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 I made up my mind pretty quickly. Not long after Alec left, as soon as I deemed safe, I took a backpack from my wardrobe and skimmed through my clothes to choose what I would take. I tried to save as much time as I could because I had no idea of how long he would stay away. He said he would know of what I did in his absence but I felt like taking chances.

I felt like running for my life, quite literally at that point.

When I got to my desk I opened the first drawer and saw the necklace. It felt incredibly strange to be running away from Alec and still take his necklace with me but it felt even worse leaving it behind. It was so important to him and yet he let me have it. A symbol of how much he believed in me, as he had said. I felt a bitter taste on my tongue when I considered leaving it there, like I was betraying his trust and being ungrateful. I thought of how much it meant that he gave it to me and felt very warm inside, like I was valued and important too.

God, I am so damn soft.

I gave my room one last quick scan before I closed my door and left. I wished I could say goodbye to the girls and give them the journals I had made for them but I was pretty much racing the clock. I thought about where I should go as I jumped down the stairs and started running to Luke's house and in my desperate state of mind the idea of leaving the country altogether seemed like the best one. I could go to Confins and take an international flight. I stopped just once on my way to Luke's, to make sure I had my wallet with me and that my documents and my credit card were in there, and then I didn't stop until I arrived.

It was not so late that Luke was asleep when I reached his house but he understandably didn't want to talk to me. I could see the light in his room was still on but one of his friends got the door when I rang the doorbell and he wouldn't let me in for anything in the world. I was panting from running there but also from the nervousness of possibly being watched as I did exactly what Alec told me not to do if I didn't want to get Luke killed horribly.

"Marina, he is bad. He is not in any condition to see you, you need to let it rest. Give him time, you owe him that."

"I know that." I stressed impatiently "I would love to let it rest but I just don't have any time to spare. I swear to God if I could I would give him forever before making him look at my face again but I don't have that time, it needs to be now."

I must have sounded and looked urgent and sincere enough because his resolution got shaken and his firm expression turned into a frown. I pressed it, almost bouncing on my feet .

"Marcio, this is as important as it gets. I don't have time, I have to leave this city as fast as I can. I don't want to leave before straightening things out with Luke, he deserves that."

That was much more information than I was willing to give but it worked.

"Ok, fine. Come in. But don't go up right away, let me give him a heads up."

I nodded and followed him inside. I tried to sit down on the couch in their living room but I was too frantic, soon I stood up to pace around and try to organise my thoughts to no avail. I felt a new migraine approaching in waves and a knot in my stomach foreshadowing some nausea. Luke must have needed some convincing because Marcio took some long minutes to get back to me.

"I hope you know I really hate you right now" he announced when he saw me again, "you better have the best of reasons to be such a bitch."

That hurt me like a punch in the face but I tried not to show it.

"I understand. Thank you for letting me into the house in spite of that."

He didn't respond, he just eyed me angrily while I passed by him to go upstairs. As I walked to Luke's room I fought my body to keep a clear head and tried to choose my words carefully. It was an impossible task because I felt so sick and was in so much pain but I could not afford to ruin another chance of telling him what happened. I took very deep breaths and when I reached for his door I exhaled one last time and then knocked on it.

Libra's Symphony (Alec Volturi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now