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    I have no idea of what overcame me. I tried and tried to process what happened while I called the cops and waited for them but I just could not digest any of it. So much happened in such a short amount of time and then Alec of all people showed up to stop me. It took me a few hours to even ask myself what he was doing there so late at night.

The man was taken to the hospital and I got questioned at the police station. I had to be examined as well but I declined spending the night at the hospital. I really just wanted to leave, especially after I lied to the police to prevent Alec from getting too involved. I told them he didn't see anything, that he got there after it was over because I called him and every second I stayed there at the station after that made me paranoid that anyone would call me out on it. I was sure they wouldn't even believe I nearly killed that man just to defend myself but I had underestimated how much I was hurt. I could barely feel any of my injuries but when I caught my own reflection in one of the glass doors of the police station I could see I got pretty beaten too.

They didn't hold me for very long. Before I exited the building I washed myself as best as I could and when I got outside Alec was still waiting for me. That was when I finally thought how strange it was that he was out at such a late hour, alone, and happened to be right where I was.

"Hey, you should have gone home" I told him when I saw him, "it's super late, you should be sleeping." The suggestion entertained him for some reason.

"How could I leave you to go home by yourself when you had just been assaulted while doing just that?"

It was a valid point.

"Thank you. You are really nice. I just don't want to bother you." I also don't want to think too much about what you were doing when you found me, I completed mentally. He smiled and gestured for me to walk by his side.

"You worry too much about me" he said just like he did in the church.

How could I not, though? He was so young and he was always by himself, I had no idea if anyone was taking care of him. I always fought the urge to press him for any information about himself because I knew it could be dangerous to know too much and he would leave anytime, and I probably would never even see him again, but I finally couldn't do it anymore.

"It's just..." I paused awkwardly, reconsidering saying anything at all but I had already started and he was looking at me curiously "Don't your parents worry about you? You are always alone. I don't even know where you are staying here in town."

He stopped walking and gave me a weird look.

"Sorry, it's none of my business. You just saw me almost killing someone, I thought maybe that drew us closer. My bad." I joked but neither of us laughed. I was holding myself together with some effort not to cry in front of him but I knew the moment I got home I would crumble down. He sighed and hid his hands in his pockets. I noticed he was wearing jeans for the very first time since we met.

"I am lodged in a house not very far from yours." He then seemed to think if he should say anything else but finally conceded "my parents died a long time ago. I don't really remember them."

Wow, fuck me. He never seemed to have anything cheerful to say when he talked about himself and I wished I never asked anything. I promised myself I would never ask anything again.

"I have a coworker checking on me from time to time" he added and started to walk again "I'm not completely alone. I have you too, don't I?"

"Yes, of course. Absolutely."

He then smiled at me, brighter and wider than he ever did before, and I felt my stomach churn with something dangerously familiar.

Oh, fuck. No way. Seriously?

Libra's Symphony (Alec Volturi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now