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 That was another moment in my life when time didn't make sense. I lost perception completely, both from the frenzy in my mind and from the physical pain I was feeling. I couldn't say how long Luke stood there in the middle of the night, in that stone-paved little street, staring at me completely dumbfounded. He stood perfectly still for long enough that anyone passing by could think he froze in place or maybe that he was another statue, like we had so many in that city. When he finally moved he ran his fingers through his hair and turned his back on me.

"I need to take you to your parents."

"Fuck, Luke, the hell you will. I need to get moving."

I shoved past him and to my surprise even in my state I managed to move him aside though I was so much shorter and lighter than him. Desperation really does make wonders.

"You're not well, Ma. You have been going downhill ever since that bastard attacked you, you need to recover from that. You are not letting yourself heal and it's fucking up your head."

I kept walking as fast as my body let me and he began walking by my side, all the while trying to talk sense into me.

"Please, listen to me. Better yet, listen to yourself."

I can't do this right now, I have to get the fuck out of here.

"You don't have to believe me, you just need to come with me or let me go. There are no other options, I will not back down from this. You don't know what I've seen, you can't judge me."

He seemed ready to fight me again so I spoke before he could.

"Come with me or go back. Choose."

He cursed under his breath, keeping up with my pace so he was still right by my side as we talked. He never stopped, he decided to go with me.

"I can't let you leave by yourself as you are" he repeated more to convince himself than me, "I can't, you're all hurt and totally out of your mind."

I refrained from telling him to go fuck himself. Hearing I was crazy for thinking Alec was a vampire was starting to really get on my nerves.

"You never told me why you kissed him" Luke suddenly changed the subject. "If you don't like him and think he is dangerous, what happened?"

I had not the slightest inclination to discuss that matter at that specific time but since I was dragging him along and risking his life I forced myself to think about it through the fog in my head to answer carefully and honestly.

"I do like him" I admitted "but I am also scared shitless of him. He had been nothing but perfectly nice up until that point. I was very upset and confused when it happened, it was right after the guy cornered me when I left the bar."

"Right after?"

"Yes. Alec found me right as it happened."

"He was following you?"


He cursed a bit more. I didn't risk a glance at him, afraid that if I stopped walking I wouldn't find the strength to start again but he was obviously having a hard time assimilating everything I was disclosing to him.

"So he found me" I went on "and stayed with me all through the night. When I left the police station he was waiting for me. I was really frightened and stressed and I don't know what happened..." I sighed to regain control of myself because my words started coming out on their own. "He was there and he comforted me and I guess I got confused."

"Jesus Christ, Marina. I feel ridiculous saying this because look at him" he let out a joyless laugh. "But he a hundred percent took advantage of you."

Libra's Symphony (Alec Volturi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now