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 A hundred different things passed through my head as I heard her words. I thought about how it could work, I thought about what that would mean for her in the guard, I thought about how the kings felt about it. Feeling a little guilty, I wondered if that made her more important than me in the end and quickly pushed that treacherous feeling aside.

Nat sighed dramatically and her shoulders sagged. She didn't look happy about her newfound ability, much on the contrary, and I couldn't understand why. It seemed like she saw it as a huge burden.

"Seriously? That's pretty awesome, how come you look all sour about it?"

She looked at me with a tortured expression and it was crushing. A faint, smothering feeling echoed through my chest, something so strong and awful that it crossed all the barriers the transformation put up in my head and punched me in the gut with astounding force. She looked at me so haunted that it reminded me of the way she had crumbled down when her father died.

"Fuck, what is it? What do you know?" I started to freak out, exactly like she had asked me not to. "Do you have visions, like Alice Cullen?"

Nat furrowed her brow. "That's how she does it? Wow, that's so Raven, am I right?" she chuckled but I couldn't do the same. She noticed my straight face and her smile disappeared.

"Alright, this is how it works;" she started cautiously, resting her hands on the table in front of us.

"I don't see or hear anything. I just... know. It's horrible to explain, so maybe you won't get it at all, but it's like there is a map in my head. Or rather, a tree. But instead of seeing it like a picture, I feel it. If something dangerous has a high chance of happening to me or someone close to me, I can tell. I can sense all the most probable outcomes of said event too, like branches of that tree."

"Nat, that sounds really cool but I sincerely still have no idea of what you're trying to explain," I interrupted her, feeling too confused to let her go on. Her fingers drummed against the table.

"Okay, let me give you an example. Earlier today I knew that Corin wanted to go see you and warned Alec to keep her away because I knew that three things could happen if she did that: most likely, you would behead her. Second most likely outcome, you would need to be restrained by Jane. Less likely, you would behave."

"I did behave, though," I protested with a pout and she petted my head condescendingly. I pretended to try biting her and she laughed weakly.

"Yeah, yeah, but it's all about taking chances, right? I knew the odds, not exactly what would happen. Those things are subjective, after all, we can only know so much."

"So you can only tell the future if it's threatening?"

She shrugged. "So far it seems like it, yeah. But according to Aro - oh, excuse me - Master Aro, it's 'just what we need', so that is an upside and not a downside as far as I understood."

"Is that why you only went to see me after Corin left?"

She looked a little embarrassed though her words contradicted that.

"Well, can you blame me?"

I laughed, and she smiled again.

"Yeah, I suppose not. What got you so troubled, though?"

Her face fell one more time and she cleared her throat nervously, a human habit that seemed to have survived the flames of her rebirth. Her countenance was shadowed by the darkness of her worries and I knew right away that whatever she needed to discuss was not just something truly bad, but also something that would fall heavily on our shoulders... or at least on hers, if only for knowing it.

Libra's Symphony (Alec Volturi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now