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   "Right there. She stopped. She was about to turn back."

We were watching the images of the security cameras set up in the piazza when Demetri pointed it out. Sure enough, I too watched as the Marina on the screen stopped running and stood in the square, her face obscured by the low quality of the digital image but with everything about her screaming doubt and uncertainty, from how abruptly she ceased her running to her body language as she went still. It was a different kind of torment to watch her internal struggle since it was all in the past and I already knew its outcome. I inadvertently hoped she would go back to the castle to run into my arms even though I knew she didn't. She made that decision hours before I saw her debating with herself, I knew she chose to leave.

And how it fucking hurts.

It was a type of pain unfamiliar to me. Not physical but at the same time it did hurt physically in a way. Strange and undefined, like the very feelings I nurtured for her. I was lost and Natalia's own confusion, caused by my reaction to Marina's escape, did not help me in the slightest.

"You don't look well."

I turned to her, stunned by her obvious observation, and she cowered. Demetri patted my shoulder.

"No need to scare the human any further. Master Caius and your sister have that covered."

I schooled my features. It was not my intention to scare her but I was having a hard time controlling my emotions. I answered her honestly but as kindly as I could.

"I'm in hell."

She was evidently sorry for me although she did not regret playing a part in the events that caused me pain in the first place, that was the most I could say for her benefit. Anyone could see that she was missing her spark, her willingness to rebel that came with the lack of doubt in oneself. She was no longer a rock in the middle of a stormy sea, she was wavering like its muddy waters. I saw an opportunity there and I took it.

"You must know that the Cullens will not keep her human" I informed her in my business-like tone, perfected throughout centuries of diplomatic endeavours. "Even if they could, even if we were never made aware of their involvement, they would not. They have been waiting for a chance to overthrow us for many years now and Marina is of much more use to them as an immortal. Besides, they would never spend the time and effort required to hide her from us until she lived out her human life. She is but a stranger to them."

Natalia swallowed nervously and weighed my words. It did not matter to me if she would be persuaded by one argument or the other, or even both, as long as she clung to something. Her sympathy for me was still clouded by the death of Marina's former lover and I was once again unnerved by the importance given to him. Had I known how much trouble those moments of fun with that sorry little creature would cause me in the future perhaps I would have given him the chance to go through trial and be executed quickly and painlessly.

Who am I trying to fool? It was way too good. Certainly worth the trouble.

"Ugh, I can't believe I am actually feeling sorry for you." I was brought back from my musings by Natalia's loud complaints. "I can see now why Marina is so damn torn all the fucking time, you look like you need to be cuddled when you're sad."

Felix laughter echoed through the room. Demetri chuckled, always more subtle than his friend, and even I was entertained by the comment. I smiled as I watched her shake her head and bury it in her hands before pointing at me accusingly.

"You do it on purpose, don't you? You know you look adorable, God damn you."

"I won't turn down a hug at this very difficult time in my life" I chortled, unable to refrain from teasing her when she gave me such a good breach, "but I am so very distraught that I might bite a little."

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