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    I used to love watching the sky when it looked special. When the sunrise or the sunset seemed even more beautiful than usual, like in the peak of summer when I would look up and see a swirling mixture of pink, purple and blue bathed in the most incredibly golden light. When the clouds were bigger and looked fluffier than most days and all of them had that amazing shimmering outline, as if the gods embroidered them with magical threads of gold. Here and there the sunlight would go down to touch the land either in large visibly separated columns or in dazzling pouches of light, spilling from up above like a thick waterfall. I would watch it from the top of the hills of my birthplace, hills covered with vividly green grass that spread over the horizon like a big blanket covering a roller-coaster. The city really lived up to its name, it truly was a beautiful horizon. Those moments would stretch out so much as the sun took so long to go up and then down that I would feel that time was frozen.

When I learnt of my "gift" those memories were a little tainted. Like I was, in fact. It seemed that everything I had was a little tainted but as I noticed what it was that I was capable of doing I began to wonder if time was actually frozen so I could watch the firmament unfold at my own pace.

I don't know why but that possibility made all of those memories lose a bit of their magic in my eyes. I thought of that as I ate the food delivered to my room and couldn't even finish my plate.

Corin did go back to my room. She was even more excited to be under my so-called gift after Demetri confirmed that I had used it on him and told her I had felt it myself for the very first time. As her bright eyes bore into mine I reprimanded myself again for telling him such a thing so carelessly.

"You have little idea of how important you are, haven't you?" She said as she unceremoniously sat on my bed with me. "You were so lost, it was adorable."

"I wasn't expecting that many people" I admitted, "I'm just a very average girl. College student, minimum wage job, the usual package for people my age."

"You have been the hottest topic here for months, I thought Alec told you."

I shrugged.

"It didn't really hit me. I had a whole other set of things to worry about."

She got serious and pressed her lips together.

"Right. You were all ungrateful and sad about some human boy. You are over that now, right? Alec is a much better partner in every way."

I was taken aback by her declaration and the sudden shift in her mood.

"And how would you know? You never met my 'human boy.'" I sounded more defensive and a little angrier than I intended but she merely laughed.

"I don't have to. I know Alec, no human is competition for him in any sense."

Something in her voice raised a suspicion in me that I was not very sure that I should share with her. After confiding in Demetri so impulsively I took the chance to keep that one to myself for the time being.

"Well, I am also worried about my friend Natalia, and my parents and how they will deal with my absence."

"Oh, you worry so much. Life is no fun that way. Thousands of parents lose their children everyday, yours will deal and live the rest of their lives like all of the other ones."

Something like an electric shock ran through my body as I heard her dismissive tone and insensitive words, but she kept talking and I had no room to counter her remark even if I wanted to say anything.

"But you are living a very exciting life all of a sudden and you don't even care. Come on, are you not even the slightest bit thrilled about discovering your power and being here?"

Libra's Symphony (Alec Volturi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now