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    Alec was nice. He tried not to be in my way and would politely listen whenever I felt like talking about the places I visited and the art we saw. He would never be around me for too long or show up for more than two consecutive days and never complained about anything. He never went to my university or my job, never asked to get into my home again and never stuck around when I had friends or Luke with me. Honestly, it was very pleasant to spend time with him. A lot of times that no one else could go somewhere with me Alec would go and I wouldn't be alone so often. He didn't talk much and never complained that I did it even when I was sure I was babbling.

He was perfectly fine.

I didn't trust him at all. I started to remember why I was so sure there was something wrong with him, why I was sure he was some type of monster. The more time I spent with him the more I felt it in my gut, there was something off about that boy. He looked too good, he was too refined. He spoke too well, he was too nice.

Besides, he never met me in the daytime unless the sky was completely taken by clouds and even then I barely saw him in open spaces, he would usually meet me inside of some building. He never ate or drank anything in front of me and he also had a weird habit of just appearing where I was and leaving me wondering how the hell he knew I was going to be there. We never exchanged numbers, we never talked if not face to face, so I began to think he was following me or had people following me, maybe even watching my house.

I didn't tell him any of that. Over the first three weeks that he stayed to gather whatever information he needed I did my best to seem completely okay with anything he did or said but I grew increasingly uncomfortable and worried. I got fixated on why he was so different from anyone I had ever met and would spend a good part of my time trying to figure out what he was. I had a collection of horror books and films back home in my parents' house that I would have obsessively consulted if I could, but I actually didn't even need to do that. In three weeks and with almost no research at all I managed to convince myself that Alec was really a vampire.

It had been my first guess back in June, I just had to accept it was the truth. The first time I saw him I thought he was a vampire but it seemed too far-fetched that I just guessed it so easily. I suppose I am just that lucky.

There was not a single person on Earth I could tell that. I would certainly be labeled insane for saying anything like it to anyone with any level of seriousness. I couldn't tell Alec, of course, because if he was a vampire then it was certainly a secret and he could kill me for knowing it, and if he was not he would also think I was crazy for believing it. I decided to keep my conclusion to myself, be extra careful around him and pray for him to go away as soon as possible. Whatever that job offer was it could definitely not be unrefusable if it involved working for vampires.

Right when February was in its last days Luke decided to sit me down on his couch and have a talk with me. I could tell it was coming for a few days and had a guess about what it was.

"So, you have been spending a lot of time with that foreign boy" he began and confirmed my suspicions, "you don't think it's weird?"

"Of course I think it's weird" I answered honestly but also a little exasperated, "but he is not bothering anyone and he is probably leaving soon."

He looked at me sadly and sighed.

"I didn't mean to upset you, it's just... I don't really buy his story. I don't believe he has a job at all, he is so young. There is something wrong with all of this, I don't like it."

I felt bad for snapping at him, so I hugged him.

"Sorry, love. I know what you mean, but don't worry. He is just a kid, it can't be anything too awful, ok?"

Libra's Symphony (Alec Volturi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now