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    Marina's death was such a delightful occurrence in my eternal life. I found myself savouring it even more than I had savoured her late lover's death, though the two were so very different in nature. The boy died to be erased from Earth and forever forgotten while my Marina was dying to be reborn much more powerful and strong, a fearsome force of the Universe. He was ashes in the wind and she was a thunderous phoenix.

I enjoyed watching the destruction of her documents more than I expected. I could not help but see the poetry in it as the flames licked away her old identity, taking away from the world and from herself who she used to be. I cut her credit cards to pieces myself, admiring her full name for the first and the last time. She would be simply Marina Volturi from then on, her baptism name disappearing under my scissors, little puzzle pieces that would never again be put together. I allowed myself the privilege of seeing her photos and videos before destroying her cellphone and felt sorry to see most of them go, apart from the ones with the human boy she once believed she loved.

She had a few years worth of memories in there and I nearly tried to save a few before I caught myself. Nothing in there would ever be relevant to her again and thus it should not be relevant to me. All that mattered was who she was becoming.

Jane took some pleasure in it as well.

"I do like her" she said as we watched her identity card burning on a plate. I smiled and sighed with relief.

"I'm very glad you do. I hope she liked you as well."

"Hm, that can't be so difficult".

We finished and then had to part ways, with her going to Minas Gerais to take care of Natalia. "Taking care" of her ended up not being what I hoped for, but not all hope was lost yet.

"Still can't believe you found that one by accident" Felix commented after I left Marina's room in Volterra. "Can't imagine her living a full regular human life, growing old and dying."

"I can," I retorted. I most definitely could envision her doing just that and being nothing but perfectly happy with it along all the way but it pained me.

It would have been such a waste.

"We will have to deal with the other one" he reminded me, like he even needed to do it. I had dreaded the moment I would meet Natalia for quite a while. I was certainly not in a hurry to see her again, especially under the new circumstances.

She had an explosive personality and would certainly stir up some trouble if she could. It was a very good thing she was under Jane's vigilance as my sister would be unwilling to allow her any opportunity to be a nuisance and would be very glad to punish her accordingly if she ever managed to be one.

I was not pleased with her upcoming arrival. Truthfully, I hoped she would be eliminated for knowing of our existence and I would never have to see her or think of her again. She was a link to Marina's old life and judging by what Marina shared with her, she didn't like me. She could try to hurt my relationship with Marina and cause her adaptation to life in Volterra to be much more difficult than it had to be.

I wanted her to fail.

I wanted it very much.

"She is nothing like Marina," I warned Felix. "She is loud and obnoxious, and not nearly as smart or impressive in any way. I will be very surprised if her gift grants her a position in the guard."

"She doesn't like you either, does she?" He guessed too cheerfully to my liking.

"She does not."

"She will bother you forever if she stays, I hope."

I grimaced, not really entertained by the provocation. Felix apologised and fell silent.

Libra's Symphony (Alec Volturi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now