22- Persephone

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Thought the nightmares vanished when she laid with him, the habit of hers to wake up early had not gone away.

That was right now, as she sat on the rocking chair with Kleopatra on her laps, she stared at him.

Persephone felt that it was a sin.

Not the sort of sin that seemed to bother the people of the Old world, no, though she did think such little rules on what was good and what was evil was silly, her own example of sin was far distorted.

Why would the gods create such a being and then leave it in the wild?

Looking at him now, she wondered how long he would last before the war began, if she had not come into his life.

At this current stage.

Dead at the first battlefront.

Well, she already knew the answer to the question. The gods enjoyed games. Drop it in the wild and watch it try to survive, if it did not, sad but next person might try harder, and if it did, it was an anomaly that should be destroyed.

Just like her.

She would never have survived long enough with the voices that tormented her from the underworld if Hades had not helped her.

Maybe that was why she was attached to him.

For he had shown her love, and she wanted to do same for someone else.

Persephone's breath stilled as he moved on the bed and yawned, her mind making a small list to capture this moment in a painting of hers before he stretched and opened his eyes.

They looked green now, something she always noticed but as he sat up with the rays of light making his hair glow and going all over his face.

They looked gold.

"Good morning."

His voice and smile woke up the sleeping cat on her lap who stretched as well before jumping over to the bed and curling around her Master's body, purring as she did so.

Persephone scoffed, "Such betrayal."

Leonidas chuckled.

It had been two weeks since they came to the cabin. Leonidas thought it was a very homely place as it was quieter than his Castle and brighter than Persephone's but she liked it because it was just the two of them.

Today was a day of worship to the gods amongst the people of Renatus but Leonidas, since he was not a Zeus Familia anyway, spent it playing his harp while she, not a Hera Familia spent it with her either reading or painting.

It was a day that they could be together from the morning to the night, before he would have to resume his duties and she, returned to her Castle.

It was a day that she cherished very much.

A figure walked into the small room of the cabin, head in a scarf as she kept her face lowered, "My Lord, My Lady."

Leonidas beamed at her. "Hello, Miriam."

Alcaeus Chloros had sent his daughter as they had bargained when they had come to the cabin, something that Leonidas himself had even forgotten. "Did you tell him?"


"But why? I never have needs for servants anyway and you say it yourself, you were raised without them."

"Alcaeus takes his bargains very seriously, and he would take it as an insult if we did not honour our part of the deal."

"Is it that bad?"

Persephone: Leonidas' DominaWhere stories live. Discover now