Autumn: 28- Leonidas

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What have I done?

His stomach churned, his head spun and yet, he was managing to walk straight out of the ship into the carriage.


Do not call me, please, leave me alone. I need to think. I HAVE to think. What have I done?

"Is everything alright, Lord Leonidas?" His Caretaker asked as he opened the door to the carriage.

Leonidas managed to give him a small smile, ignoring the sick feeling bubbling inside him. "Yes."

As he entered, the man followed behind, the door to the carriage still open before Leonidas heard Loukas call out for him again and he leaned forward, shutting the door close.

Panting now, he rested back on the seats, his eyes closed as he tried to calm down before he opened them again and met the confused gaze of the man seated infront of him. "We are leaving without Lord Loukas?"

"Yes," Leonidas replied, out of breath. "Now. Go."

His Caretaker looked perplexed idea, but he knocked twice on the door to signify that it should move away.


Loukas stilled, digging his nails into the chairs before letting out a relieved breath when the carriage began to move out of sight.

He knew his reaction had been absurd. A reaction he had been giving for the past two days now even though he had made sure no one was aware and had kept to himself all the time.

But now, he knew Loukas would not want to let them end things like this, not that they were ending things.

By the gods, he just needed a little more time to think, to remember what happened clearly, to piece the puzzles about the thing that occured that night.

He remembered Loukas telling him about how Panag Mikos tried getting him to be his heir but that he was a 'bastard' if he thought that would work on him and the rest was a blur.

A very big blur.

After that, Leonidas saw himself naked next to an also naked Loukas with a throbbing back and bruised body.

Extremely bruised, if he wanted to be precise.

Leonidas did not need to know the missing parts of his memories to know what had happened and fled the scene. Avoiding Loukas all through the ship sailing and till their arrival, Loukas actually abiding to the space limit.

Until they arrived.

Leonidas wondered what exactly he had said, or had done to make Loukas mark him that much, marks that for some reason refused to just disappear.

They looked so permanent.

She would kill him.

Oh god.

He wanted to bash his head on the door of the carriage and scream. That this was not fair, that the last time he had seen her had left him weak and breathless.

That all he wanted, all he had wanted while he had been sick and somewhere on an island where everyone acted like horny beings was HER.

He dreamt of her, of her touch. He imagined how proud of him she would have been because he had written to her, he had apologized.

He imagined her telling him that he had been good and she would reward him.

Infact, she HAD admitted to rewarding him.

It arrived the morning they left the ship by owl mail, something he had awaited happily but now dreaded to look at.

Dearest Narcissus,
I ask that you forgive me for how I had treated you and if by any chance you were more hurt than necessary. I want you to understand that whatever I do, I do because I only what is best for you and there is no one that is less capable of harming you on this earth like I.
Nevertheless, I shall like to redeem myself and reward you.
I am in the progress of making the collar that I owe you and I have other surprises as well.
I know that you have been good for me and I cannot tell you how happy I am with you so I shall rather show you.
I await your arrival, agape mou.
Be well till then.

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