41- Leonidas

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Most people say that the death of a loved one is the most painful thing of all.

Others, the moment when you feel your heart is wretched out by the one person you thought would never do such a thing.

But Leonidas Aetos was not sure which one hurt the most.

He had returned back to his Castle, first going to Loukas' room that looked so perfectly clean and arranged, something Loukas could never do on his own and sat on the male's bed.

It had been cold.

Leonidas could not believe Loukas would never lay on that bed again.

After he had left, the first thing that came to his mind was to return and ask for Loukas' body but he knew that he was risking his sanity by going and seeing her again.

He knew that he had not given her any chance to explain herself and it was only because he knew that if she did, he would try to ignore the fact that she had blood on her hands.

That she, was not alright.

Maybe it had been his fault, maybe if he had never met her, she would have kept staying at her side of the Castle and would never hurt anyone.

Maybe if they never met, Loukas would still be here.

Millions of maybe's fluttered through his head that night and Leonidas hated the fact nothing he thought could bring him back.

He knew his friend would want a funeral, something big and something extravagant, but he would also want no one there, except Leonidas and maybe his parents.

By the gods, how was he going to tell his parents?

The last they knew, he and Loukas had not been on the best of terms and he could not tell them that she did it.

His thoughts moved to her now.

Everything felt too much for him now and all he could think of was letting her control him one more time, let her shift the burdens away just for some seconds so that he could focus on either the pain or pleasure that she was giving.

But he killed the thoughts as soon as they came.

Leonidas pressed Loukas' shirt to his nose as he took in the scent of the male one more time.

This all felt like a nightmare.

And Leonidas had hoped that when he slept and woke, that was what it would be.

A nightmare.

So that was what he did.

All curled up on Loukas' bed with his best friends shirts scattered all around him, he closed his eyes and prayed that when he woke up, Loukas would be curled next to him, probably making a stupid remark about Leonidas' behind.

The thought brought a smile on his face as he imagined it and finally, for the first time since the day began, closed his eyes to let sleep take over him.


He had only closed his eyes for an hour before the sound of his Mother screaming that woke him up.

Leonidas jolted in a flash, his eyes momentarily noticing the darkness still around him, showing it was probably still night or perhaps, early in the morning before he ran out of Loukas' room and to his parent's chamber.

As soon as he burst in, he said, "Mother, what-?"

Then his eyes fell on the empty bloodstained sheet on the bed leaving the words hanging in the air before he saw his Mother who was crouched on the floor, crying loudly as she kept looking at it as well.

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