24- Achilles

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He looked at her wondering why there was a warm feeling in his heart as he saw her run through the fields.

She was beautiful, yes, but he doubted that was his only reason.

"Ye," He tried to add the dominance Father said they had to have when speaking to women as she turned to him, letting out a long sigh.

"What is it Achilles?" She did not want to be stopped from playing her little game with her wolf pup and the unhappiness in her voice was evident.

'Never let a wooman answer ye with cheek. Tame 'em or they will nae ken their place' His father's voice rang in his head as he said, "Kneel."

She looked at him, really looked at him. "No."

Red filled his cheeks as he said, "Why nae?"

"Because I do not want to."

The answer was so simple, and yet, Achilles could not accept it.

He was now infront of her, his hands on her shoulder as he tried forcing her to kneel. "Submit, Persephone!"

"Stop it!" The child yelled. "Let me go!"

And then, in a blur, Achilles was on the ground with something warm coming out of his nose as his body was cradled in his Mother's big but warm hands while a now unconscious Persephone in Nektaria's.

His eyes widened, "Wh-What happened? Mother? Why is she sleeping?"

Charilaus was down there now. "What is going on here?"

It was Cleon that answered with tears in his voice. "They were playing and he tried making her kneel but she-she punched him and then passed out!"


Achilles turned to her, the shock of it all not even letting him register the fact that his nose was broken and blood streamed out of it as he ran out of his Mother's arms to Nektaria's, shaking Persephone. "Wake up."

No answer.

"Wake up!" He screamed louder now.


Achilles woke up with a gasp, his hand on his chest with the other on his nose.

It was not broken or bleeding.

He was fine.

It was just a bad dream.

But it had not been just that, had it?

He sighed, holding his head as he felt something slither through his sheets and then around his arm and to it's head, wrapping itself around it.

The presence of it was cold. "Despoina."

The snake hissed as it tried cooling it's Master's warm head with it's cold scales before he raised his hand up and felt her curl around it then stared at her, his dark brown eyes looking like he had not slept a wink. "The dreams are increasing."

The snake hissed, as if asking why.

He sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I do not know. I think that Persephone would know the reason for it but would not tell me about it. You know how she gets."

The thing let out another hiss, something he understood as 'mean'.

He chuckled, setting her back in her nest "Yes, she can be mean."

But he knew why, did he not?

After that day, guilt had eaten him up so deeply that he went over to see her everyday but she never woke.

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