25- Leonidas

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Hello everyone, it's me, the author, hi. Sorry for this miniscule interruption but I just had two announcements to give. First, I just really want to say I'm grateful that you gave my book a chance and went this far in reading it, I really am, because I really have never had this sort of support in any book before so I'm like super happy *giggles* and second, that this chapter would be the last for a while, until this book has at least a thousand views. I know, I know, I'm selfish but I have exams coming up and this sounds like enough motivation for me but I promise, immediately its 1k on the dot. I'd run back and resume my duty.

PS: This chapter would have bdsm scenes because I cannot separate it into a normal chapter and a mature one. If you are uncomfortable with bondage, anal play, degradation, humiliation or get triggered by certain words, please skip. I would make sure you miss nothing from this chapter. Oh and plus, for some who still want to read the chapter anyway, I would mark the places you can stop reading when the bdsm scenes is about to start


"You are not leaving, Leonidas."


"No buts. I have been generous enough."

Leonidas bit into his lower lip, a sudden need to slam Loukas' head on the table. It was a new train of thought, one he had never had before until Loukas began to drive him crazy and make him want to do it.

But he was not that crazy yet.

"You see me everyday, Lou." Leonidas found himself whispering to the male.

Loukas, who had his hand buried in a bowl of grapes with his rings glittering from the light coming down the glass ceiling, crossed his legs and beamed a smile at his best friend. "Would you like one? It tastes oddly like wine."

Leonidas sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Because it is used to make wine."


Then the green eyed man stood, dusting his hands. "Whatever," And began to walk around the study. "Yes, I do see you everyday but that leaves the question, amor."

"What question?"

"About your whereabouts every night."

Leonidas stilled.

Loukas suddenly pointed a finger at his face. "Ah ha! That's it right there!"

"What are you talking about, Lou?"

"That face,"


"When you do not know what answer to give because there are too many lies you have given and you are not sure which one correlates more with your story."

Leonidas stared at him, "I was- Wherever I was." Then he facepalmed. "By the gods, when did you become a detective?"

Since when I realized I could not live a second without you.

"Now," Loukas was grinning when he took another grape before turning to look at Leonidas. "I must commend you for your efforts at lying, I really do, but you are horrible at it. Terrible. You are worse than-"

"I get the message," Leonidas grimaced.

"Of course, you do." Loukas was still smiling when he walked up to him and patted his cheeks. "You are smart."

Leonidas sighed and swatted his hands away, moving to a chair before plopping himself on it.

"Ouch," Loukas said as he turned and pouted. "What exactly is your problem Leo? You are barely fun anymore."

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