7- Persephone

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"What was that about?"

She was not properly listening, not paying attention because she had something else on her mind.

Something white, and innocent, and pure, and everything that made her little demons jump and squeal in delight.


She paused now, turning her horse around to look at her friend, or was it companion? No, he was more of the sanity lid to her little pandora box of destruction. "Hmm?"

"Why did you cut me off that way?" Achilles asked.

Ah, male pride.

Persephone let out a small chuckle, turning her horse around as she said in a slightly soft and sing-song voice. "Because I can."

"That is not what I meant."

"What do you want to hear, my dear?" She asked, her voice low and more of a purr than actual words. "That I wanted to shame you infront of your other stick-between-my-legs members, how dare I?"

It did not take a fool to know that THAT was her original plan, probably because he had nearly answered for her, something he knew she did not like and that this attitude of hers that irritated him like a rash on his behind was better than the little witch that snapped at his heels and caused him great pain.

"You are dark, Persephone."

They were in the stables now and she was off, the black dress blowing in the wind in a bit as her feet came to the ground, the stable men running to their horses as she gave a small whistle and Circe came out.

Circe was a creature that all mortals tried to avoid, a creature that found love in tearing apart people like them for fun.

And that was why Persephone loved her.

"My darling." Persephone purred, kneeling for the one thing she respected and loved enough to do so for.

The black furred wolf walked to her Mistress, her yellow eyes momentarily flaring to Achilles, who blanched for a while but knew better to run before she reached Persephone and let the female hug her.

Persephone took it all in, her hands wrapped around the bristle fur, letting her wild smell of flowers and herbs fill her skin and smiling before she let her go, whispering, "How are the pups?"

They are fine, would you like to see them?

Persephone smiled brighter, standing now as she brushed the females ear, Circe letting out little sounds of content as she said, "No, I shall like to see them later, when they are strong and rested, and you as well. Are you hungry?"


With a casual pat, she waved the wolf away who retreated back the same way she came, from the forest.

Persephone turned around now, her eyes landing on an Achilles who seemed rather grateful the thing was gone as she said, "I believe you said something like me being dark Achilles? I wonder why you still stand here, all things considered. I do not keep you here."

But they both knew that it was not true.

He had done it before, left her after the incident that had nearly caused her life but after a while, came back.

Persephone never really understood why she was mean to him and treated him like he was a spider she would stomp on if it as much as looked at her, but that was the thing about people.

They liked being stepped on and shown their place, even though they grudgingly do as they are told.

Oh, and possibly because she manipulated his guilt about her at all turns and kept him on a leash.

Persephone: Leonidas' DominaWhere stories live. Discover now