Chapter 76

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Therapy was ok after that, but I didn't go into any further detail about what had happened to me during that time nor before. I couldn't because I was still scared and hesitant, not knowing what I could tell him or what I should hold secret.

Dr. Weiner didn't seem to mind, but I could tell that he was worried. He kept shifting in his seat, and I knew that he wanted to ask what I was hiding but didn't because he respected my privacy and the need to feel confident that I could confide in him without repercussions.

Instead, we talked about what I had accomplished with Vanar and the fact that I had jumped him the day before. He was very interested in the way that both Vanar and my father had reacted with each other again after so many years apart and how Serena just stood around, looking shocked while I tried to control him.

"Your father is a good actor," the therapist mused, and I raised an eyebrow in question. "He knew what Shadow had said and was playing it off," he explained.

"How?" I asked and furrowed my brows while I cocked my head. "How did my dad know what Shadow had said?"

Dr. Weiner cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. "Well, your father is the king of Ilyrian, correct?" he asked and raised an eyebrow.

I nodded and furrowed my brows further. "Yes..?"

Dr. Weiner cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. "The royal family is connected with each creature that they come into contact with. They are able to understand whatever they are saying." He paused and cocked his head while he studied me, and I could tell that he was waiting for me to say that I understood or something of that nature.

I slowly nodded and furrowed my brows when a thought crossed my mind. "But Serena and D- Anthony can understand what they are saying," I said. "They aren't royals."

"There are a few people that have learned the language that animals use to communicate with us humans," Dr. Weiner said, and I nodded, staying silent. "Anthony and Serena are a few of those people."

I slowly nodded again and furrowed my brows further. "If I am supposed to understand the animals from Ilryian because I am a royal, then why can't I understand them?"

"Because you have not been to Ilyrian," Dr. Weiner replied. "You weren't born there, and things are different between here and there."

I nodded slowly and cocked my head in thought while I looked at him. "But you can't tell me, can you?"

Dr. Weiner smiled sadly and shook his head, no. "Unfortunately not," he said apologetically. He cleared his throat and grew serious while he let go of my hand. "If you told your father that you know about Ilryian and stuff that you have hidden, then we would be able to help. Unfortunately, since you haven't..." He trailed off and shrugged while he grimaced and moved a hand through his hair.

I sighed but nodded, my heart growing heavy. I didn't say a word while I played with the hem of my jeans, wondering what else I could talk to him about because we had about thirty minutes left.

"I do have a question for you if you are willing to answer," Dr. Weiner said while raising an eyebrow. He studied me and waited for me to say something.

I slowly nodded and cleared my throat while I stared at him through my eyelashes. "Uh, ya, ya, go ahead," I said. I gestured for him to ask his question. "What is it?"

"Who was the guy in the picture?" he asked, and I was a little surprised that he was so blunt because he hadn't been this blunt but so calm, letting me decide if I wanted to tell him or not. "That you drew." Again, he studied me and cocked his head. "Was that him?"

I hesitated and looked down while I cleared my throat. My whole body grew tense while I remembered the picture I had drawn yesterday near that creature with red eyes.

Was that how they found me? Through the picture? And if so, how?

I shivered and pressed my lips into a thin line while I fiddled with the hem of my jeans. I knew that I could lie, say that it wasn't anything important, or beg him not to ask me, but I thought against it and silently confirmed that it was him; he was the male that I had drawn.

"That's him," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat, praying that he wouldn't find me like that creature did. I couldn't bear to see him again and had no idea if I would survive another encounter with him or not. "That's my ex." I was surprised that my voice didn't shake from fear, but there was no way in hell I could get my voice any higher than a whisper, especially since it felt like he knew where I was or could find me from anywhere.

Dr. Weiner nodded and furrowed his brows while he thought of something. "You mouthed "Ethan" when you were done with the drawing, and I had gotten you out of that trance," he said, gauging my reaction.

I stopped messing with the hem on my pant leg and stared at my hands. I watched them shake while my whole body grew tense, waiting for him to waltz through the door with an evil smirk on his face because he did what he said that he would do before I was able to block him.

He had said that he'd find me, and then he'd kill me, and I prayed that he wouldn't, even though I didn't put it past him to try.

"Hadley?" Dr. Weiner asked, and I had a feeling he caught my expression. Worry filled his eyes while he studied me, and he didn't touch me, which I was grateful for. "What is it?" he asked. "Is that his name? Is his name Ethan?"

I took a deep, shuddering breath and nodded, the nod looking like a jerk of the head and not a normal nod. "Yes," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat while I looked at the top of my foot, not wanting to meet his gaze. "That is his name. That is the name of my ex- and my rapist when I was younger and before I finally had the courage and broke up with him."

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