Chapter 15

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"And, I think that this is the new student," the teacher for Nina said, turning to look at us. She smiled, her eyes dancing with joy. "And sister, I believe?" she asked, looking at me.

I smiled and nodded. "I'm Hadley," I said. "This is Nina." I nodded toward my sister, who was hiding behind me. "She is usually not this shy." I nudged her forward.

" Are you mad that I am late?" she asked, looking at her with her big eyes.

The teacher's smile softened as she walked over to us. She knelt in front of my sister, and my sister hid behind me again. "No," she said softly. "Was Headmaster Thorne mad?" She looked up at me.

"We didn't catch his name, but yes," I said. "He was mad that we were late for the meeting."

"Sounds like him," she said with a snort. "I am Ms. Merryweather, and I will be your teacher this year, little Miss McCormick," she added, looking at my little sister. She smiled. "And, no, I am not mad that you are late to my class. We have just started." She smoothed out my little sister's jacket, and she smiled.

"Ok," Nina said, relaxing. She moved from behind me and looked up at me. "Are we going to meet up for lunch in the Common Room?" she asked.

"We shall see," I replied. "You never know, you might make some friends here and want to eat with them."

"And leave you behind?" she asked with a scoff. "Please." She rolled her eyes, I smiled. "If anything, I will take them with me, and we eat together."

I chuckled and hugged her. "I love you, Little Sis," I said. "Behave yourself." I pulled away and stared at her, and she smiled innocently. "No more pranks. Understand?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Nina said. "You have to go to class, too, so it is time for you to go." She tried to push me out the door, and I shifted ever so slightly but didn't move.

"I'll keep an eye on her," Ms. Merryweather said with a slight chuckle. "But she is right. You do need to get to class. Do you know where you are going?"

I nodded. "Yes, Ma'am," I said.

Ms. Merryweather chuckled. "Then, off you go. Don't worry about your sister. She will do just fine."

I nodded. "If she does become a handful, just tell her that you won't allow her to eat with her sisters."

"Hey," Nina said, looking at me with wide eyes. She folded her arms across her chest and pouted. "That's not fair."

"It's pranks or family. That is up to you."

She wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Fine," she grumbled. "I will try not to do any pranks." She rolled her eyes, and I had a feeling that she would be trying to do something to the class

I looked at Ms. Merryweather and saw her smile. "If she does, don't let her into the Common Room."

Ms. Merryweather chuckled and nodded. "I won't," she said. "Now, go to class. Should I write a note to your teacher to tell them why you are late?"

I nodded my head. "I... don't know if they will be as nice as you," I said, hesitantly, and she chuckled and nodded.

She gestured to her desk, and I followed. "Do you know who your first teacher is?" she asked, and I pulled out my schedule.

"Uh... Thaddeus Greene," I said, looking at the paper. "Art." I looked up at her to see that she knew who the teacher was.

Ms. Merryweather nodded. "He is a good teacher, just a little over the top sometimes." She wrote me a note and handed it to me. "Give this to him. He'll be understanding, just this once. He does like it for people to be on time."

I nodded and looked at my little sister, who had drifted over to a table that held her nametag. "I will see you at lunch, maybe?" I asked, and she looked up from where she was talking to other people.

"Ya, maybe," she said, brushing me aside. She went back talking to her new friends, and I shook my head and smiled.

"She will do fine," Ms. Merryweather said, and I looked at her. She had this soft smile on her face, and I had a feeling that she would be a good teacher for my crazy sister. "I'll try to keep her out of trouble."

"Thank you," I said, and with that, I left to go find my class. Hopefully, I can make friends just as easy as my little sister did.

Unfortunately, I did not think that would happen. I had never been good at making friends...

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