Chapter 10

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"You're back early," my sister, Evelyn, said. She was washing dishes, her hands starting to become crinkly from the soapy water. Her eyes widened in shock, and I could tell that there was a blush on her face. "We didn't expect you until late tonight. We didn't leave any food for you to eat."

"It's ok," I said, smiling at my nineteen-year-old sister. "I didn't expect to be back so early either." I sat down on the bench near the door and started to take off of my boots. I groaned when my side pulled again and stopped, grimacing.

"Hadley?" Evelyn asked, fear in her voice. She moved to my side when I clutched my side, worry coming off of her in waves. "Are you ok?" she asked, placing her arm on my shoulder.

"Ya, my side just pulled again," I said through gritted teeth. I clutched my side and took a deep shuddering breath. "It was pulling at the barn. That is why I am home early."

"Why didn't you call?" she asked, knowing that I had walked all the way from the barn. "I could have picked you up." Her voice shook, and I could tell that she was feeling guilty.

"I didn't want to bother you, Even," I said, giving her a tired smile. "I knew that you would be doing the dishes or cleaning something and the others were probably going to go shopping for school tomorrow with Dad."

Even pursed her lips, but she thankfully let it go. "At least let me take off your smelly boots," she said, teasingly.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back a bit before showing her my boot cladded foot. "Here," I said in a mocking posh accent. I turned my head away from her, and she chuckled. "Take off these smelly things so that I might be able to take a bath."

Even chuckled and hunched over as if she was Igor. "Yessss, Massster," she said and started to take off my boots. "Ssssshall I ssssstart the bath for you?"

I smiled and shook my head. "No, Igor," I said, teasingly as she placed my boots outside. "You can go finish the dishes."

"Yessss, Massster," she replied and started to walk to the sink, feigning a limp.

"You are crazy, Even," I said, and she laughed before she stood up straight.

She turned towards me and winked, her light brown hair falling into her face. "But, it caused you to laugh, Ley," she said. She paused and smiled that sad smile she normally got when she was thinking about what had happened to me over the years before moving here. "It is good to see you laugh and smile," she said, softly. Her face grew stern, and I looked down, not wanting to meet her gaze. "Never let a boy ever use you again, ok? We don't need to lose you."

I nodded my head. "I won't," I said, smiling up at her. I cleared my throat and stood. "I'm... going to take that bath now. Thank you for taking my boots off." I stood and started to walk to the door that I could use to go up to my room.

"Do you want me to make you anything?" she asked, calling after my retreating back.

"No, I still have the sandwich from lunch. I'll eat the sandwich that I still have in my bag. Thanks, though."

"It better not be peanut butter and banana sandwiches!" she exclaimed. "Those things stink."

"No, the sandwich that stinks is Gwen's. Who eats sardines with mayo?"

"Gwen does."



I entered my room and saw Tigra on the window seat where a falcon was perched on the other side. I blinked and shook my head, used to the sight of a bird, and a cat "talking" more times than not. "Do I even want to know how you flew from New York to here?" I asked, glancing at the bird.

The bird, a peregrine falcon, blinked its eye. He didn't say anything, but he did bow, causing me to shake my head again.

"I don't have time for this," I muttered, rubbing my forehead. I dropped my bag on the floor near my bed and went to my closet. I could feel their eyes on me as I grabbed a towel and some clothes for after my bath.

Tigra meowed and jumped down from her perch. She walked over to me and rubbed herself between my legs. She purred, and I had a feeling that she knew that I was in pain.

"I'll be fine, Tiggy," I said, going into the bathroom after I had collected my stuff. I looked at the window to see that the bird was still there, watching and waiting for something. "The trip here is just catching up with me."

Tigra mewled and jumped into the sink after I opened the door. She watched as I closed Izzy's door and locked it before closing mine and locking it.

I undressed, hissing as I pulled my shirt and bra off of my body. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting the air out in a small woosh.

"Merow?" Tigra said, and I opened them and stared at her. She was staring at the necklace around my neck, her eyes widening and then turning into slits.

"What?" I asked, making sure that I didn't look at myself in the mirror. I walked over to the bathtub and started to fill it with warm water.

Tigra jumped out of the sink and got onto the edge of the tub. She was staring at the necklace with such intensity that I, again, thought that she wasn't from here.

"Nobody human knows," I said, standing up. I took off my pants, underwear, and socks before going into the tub. I took a deep breath and relaxed as I sat down in the tub.

Tigra nuzzled my shoulder and purred. She blinked, slowly, and I could tell that she was happy that nobody human knew.

I scratched her forehead, and she grimaced and laid her ears back in annoyance "I can talk to horses, Tig," I said, finally confessing what I had found out a day ago. "I can talk to horses, and I have no idea who I can trust to tell them."

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