Chapter 18

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"Alright, class," Mr. Greene said. "The bell is about to ring. Please put back your supplies if you had taken any and go back to your seat."

I bit back a sigh and leaned back in my seat. I scowled as I looked at my work, hating that I had to stop. I was almost done, and I hoped that we would be able to work on it tomorrow.

"We will be working on this tomorrow." He glanced at me and smirked as if he knew what I was thinking. "I hope that some of you had done some work and not playing around. These will be graded at the end of the week. There will be a presentation, so I hope that you will be prepared for it."

I sunk a bit in my seat and cringed. I hated presentations with a deep passion. I hated being in front of crowds, even though I was in front of them because of horse shows.

"Can Hadley and I go together?" Jenny asked, raising her hand, "since we share the same DNA and siblings."

"Uh, of course," he said. He looked at me and smirked. He knew that I was going to agree with her, and it caused me to scowl. "Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, Sir," I said. I sent my little sister a grateful look before starting to pack up my supplies.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. I had no idea who would be in my next class, and that filled me with dread. I wouldn't know where to sit or who to hang out with.

I wasn't a social butterfly like my siblings, and I was sure it was because of what had happened to me. Quickly, I shot that memory down, not wanting to dwell on it.

I was in a new place, a new school, and I didn't need to let the thoughts drag me down.

"Are you ok?" Jenny asked, touching my elbow.

I nodded my head and started to pack up my supplies.

"Did you pay attention when Gwen, Izzy, and I were going over schedules, or did you just hear about taking Nina?"

"Umm... taking Nina?"

Jenny rolled her eyes teasingly. "Hand me over your schedule," she teased. She took my schedule out of my bag and scribbled who were in my classes. "You have Gwen for History," she said. "And that is your second class. Do you know where to find it?"

"It's marked on the map. I think I will be able to find it." I glared at her when she opened her mouth. "And, don't say what I think you are going to say."

She closed her mouth and rolled her eyes. She leaned back in her chair and sighed. "But, you have us in some of your classes. I think Dad made sure of that."

I nodded my head and finished putting my stuff up. I could feel Mr. Greene watching us as he talked to some of the other students.

"He's been staring at you for the whole class," Jenny whispered. "Do you know why?"

I shook my head, no. "I hate it," I said, my voice soft. "It's like he is waiting for me to flirt or something."

Jenny snorted and squeezed my hand. She flashed Mr. Greene, a cold glare, and he finally pulled his gaze away from me and somewhere else.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Hey, I am the only one that can stare at you for that long," Jenny teased. She grew serious. "And I don't think that you want another panic attack today."

I stayed silent and shook my head. I didn't want a panic attack. I just prayed that if I did have one, then I wouldn't be in class...  

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