Chapter 95

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I bit the inside of my lip and took the bracelet off my wrist and turned it into the pen. "How do I ask my question?" I asked and looked at Dr. Wilson, and he chuckled in amusement. I frowned and narrowed my eyes while I scowled. "I'm serious," I said. "How do I ask?"

"Well? What do you want to know?" Dr. Wilson asked. He gestured to my book. "The book has the answers that you seek. It can tell information as well as delve deeper into information that you already know."

I looked at the book before I looked at him and slowly blinked. "I want to know if Ethan is human or not," I replied. I licked my lips and cleared my throat before I shifted in my seat, feeling uncomfortable. "I think I also want to show you the picture that I drew of him..."

Dr. Wilson raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" he inquired, and I hesitated and nodded. "What's the picture about?"

"It was about Ethan and then something was coming out of him," I said. "I drew it during therapy with Dr. Weiner." I furrowed my brows and cocked my head while I thought about him. "He did something to me, and I just did it." I gestured to the book and cleared my throat. "The book got it out of me using magic."

Dr. Wilson's other eyebrow went up, and he didn't look too pleased. "Really?" he asked and gave the book a pointed look before he looked at me. "Are you sure?"

I nodded in confirmation. "Why, wasn't it supposed to?" I asked, and Dr. Wilson sighed and shook his head.

"It wasn't supposed to at this stage," he replied. "You're still new to magic, and whatever the book does or doesn't do could affect your powers and your development."

The book grew warm, and I looked down to see what it wanted to say. It did not affect you in the way that he is implying, it read. Tell him that I am aware of his concerns and assure him that I did not harm you when I had you draw the image.

I licked my lips and looked at Dr. Wilson to see that he was watching me with half closed eyes, and I had a feeling that he knew the book said something. "Ummm..." I cleared my throat and looked down. "The book says that it's aware of your concerns and to assure you that it did not harm me when it had me draw that image."

Dr. Wilson pressed his lips into a thin line and narrowed his eyes while he stared at us. "Hmph," he said, unamused, and I could tell that he didn't believe it.

The book grew warm again, and I looked at it to read, tell him that it is the same as using magic to protect yourself.

I pressed my lips into a thin line before I sighed and nodded. "It is the same as me using magic to protect myself," I said and looked at him.

Dr. Wilson pressed his lips into a thin line and looked annoyed. "Hmph," he said, unimpressed. "What is the photo that it is talking about?" he asked and gestured to the book, changing the subject.

I sighed before I nodded and looked at the book. Can you show him the picture? I asked while I bit my lip.

Which one?

I pressed my lips into a thin line.


"What is it?" Dr. Wilson asked while he studied me. "Why are you pressing your lips into a thin line?"

"It's nothing," I said and shook my head. Show him the one with Ethan and the shadow.

Instantly the page went blank before the image appeared, and the sense of dread I felt filled my body, making me shudder from fear.

Please don't let him find me...

"Here," I said and turned the book to face him. "This is the picture that I am talking about."

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