Chapter 108

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There was a knock on my door a little while later, and I bit back a small groan while I was stirred awake. "Ley?" someone asked from the other side of the door, and I was more awake because it was my father. "Are you awake? Can I come in?"

"Yes," I said and sat up before I got out of bed, making sure that I didn't hurt my cat in the process. "Are you ok, Papa?" I asked and walked over to the door with Tigra watching me with an annoyed look on her face and flicking her tail every so often. "I didn't hurt you when I did that, did I?"

My father chuckled and opened my door as if he knew that I wanted him to open it, and I stopped before I reached the door so that I didn't run into it. His hair was a mess, and I had a feeling that he had been moving his fingers through it while he had been thinking about something before he came to me, and I had a feeling that that something was about me and what I did to him. "No, Ley," he said and shook his head with a small chuckle in his voice. "You didn't hurt me."

He cleared his throat and gestured for me to take a seat in my little sitting area. "Can I come in?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question. "I believe that there are some... things that we need to discuss."

My father tucked his head closer to his chest while he stared at me, and I could tell that he wanted to talk to me about what had happened, and I bit back a small sigh of relief before I slowly nodded and gestured for him to come in and go to the seats as well.

"Come in, Papa," I said. "Thank you for coming. I was wondering when I would have been able to speak to you about this..." I trailed off and glanced at the door to make sure that there was no one there before I turned my attention back to my father.

My father chuckled and nodded in confirmation. "I am aware," he said and walked into my room, closing the door behind him. He cleared his throat and gestured for me to go to my seating area again. "Why don't we sit down first and then we can talk, yes?" He raised an eyebrow in question while he stared at me.

I bit back a small chuckle and nodded in confirmation. "Yes, Sir," I said and did what I was told to do and walked over to my seating area with him following me. "Are you going to make sure that we can't be heard by anyone if they pass by us?" I asked randomly. I paused and turned to look at him, my cheeks turning slightly red. "Or is that something you are able to do?"

My father bit back a small chuckle and nodded in confirmation. "I am able to do that, yes," he said and nodded in confirmation. "I will do that as soon as we sit down and get settled, ok? You don't have to worry about anyone coming in and paying attention to what we are talking about." He paused and cleared his throat, bowing his head. "You have my word."

I pressed my lips into a thin line before I nodded, feeling pleased that he was bowing to me, even though I didn't know why. "Ok," I said and walked the rest of the way over to my sitting area. "Come on, Tig." I glanced at my bed where my cat was watching us with half closed eyes and curled into a ball with her tail flicking back and forth in annoyance. "Come here."

Tigra rolled her eyes and gave me an annoyed look. She stood and yawned, stretching and reaching out with one paw, her claws appearing before they disappeared again while she retracted them. She sat down and started to lick herself, and I rolled my eyes and scowled before I made it to one of the chairs and sat down with an annoyed sigh.

My father bit back a small chuckle and shook his head, following me. "She will be there shortly," he said and took the one in front of me with a small groan of relief while he leaned back in his seat. "She wants to make sure that you are settled first before she hops up into your lap."

I hesitated before I slowly nodded and shifted until I was comfortable, watching my cat and praying that what my father said was true and that she would come over to me.

Horse Stone (Book 1 of Ilyrian Series)Where stories live. Discover now