Chapter 44

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I blinked and blinked again. Confusion filled my body when I read the message, and I had no idea why the book called Liam Richard. Richard? I asked. Who is Richard? Why did you call my friend, Liam, Richard?

The words disappeared from the page, and I had a feeling that the book had mentally cursed itself for spilling information that I didn't need to know yet. It doesn't matter who he is, the book said, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. Don't scowl. It's not princess like to scowl and roll your eyes.

Well, I'm not even supposed to know that I am a princess; isn't that right?

If the book could sigh and rub its face, annoyed, then I was sure it would have done it by now. Touché, it said. However, I am not at liberty to tell you who Richard is.

I chewed my lip and slowly nodded. Do you think that there are books in here about him? I asked, hoping that it would lead me in the right direction.

Ask Adrian, the book replied. However, do that later because I think it's almost time for your next class.

I blinked and looked at the time to see that it was. I had been staring off into space and didn't get anything done. Thankfully, the stuff that was due today was done, but I had wanted to catch up on tomorrow's stuff.

I thought you had that stuff almost done, book said, and I shrugged and grimaced.

I don't know if it is right or not, I admitted, and if the book could scoff and roll its eyes, I was sure that it would.

You are too hard on yourself, it said, and I looked down because I didn't want to read those words.

I knew that I was too hard on myself. I couldn't help it, not after all I had been through. I hated that I did not have anyone I could talk to, even though I knew I had the people in my corner.

I was scared.

I was scared of what they would think if they knew that I wasn't as strong as I thought I tried to come off. I hated being like this, a shell of what I used to be. I had been a lot sassier as a kid, but what he had done had broken that girl and left her struggling to breathe.

The book grew warm, and I looked to see what it had to say. You need to talk about your feelings to someone, it said, and I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Whatever happened to you happened for a reason. It made you stronger than you know.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I had no idea what would come from me being raped, and I had no idea how it made me strong. I felt weak, helpless even, and I was sure that there would be no way for me to stop that feeling.

The book doesn't know that you were raped, a small voice whispered to me. Not a lot of people do... If you o- I cut off that thought and shook my head before I grimaced.

If I do find information about Richard and write down my questions in you, can you tell me? I asked.

You can write your notes in here, the book replied but didn't answer my question.

That didn't answer my question, I said. Will you answer my questions if I write them down?

The book stayed silent, and I had a feeling that it wouldn't answer my questions and didn't want to tell me.

I groaned and laid my head on the desk, pushing the book away. "Never mind," I whispered in the quiet and the stillness of the library. I cleared my throat when my voice cracked and licked my lips. "I didn't need the help anyway."

The book grew warmer, but I didn't look at what it had to say.

I was hurt and tired of having more questions than answers. I wanted someone, or something, to answer them, but I knew that it wouldn't happen. I wouldn't get the answers that I so desperately desired about the life that I was to live and the world I was to save.

The book grew warmer than it had before it returned to its normal temperature. It knew that I wouldn't look at the words it had written, and I had a feeling that it felt guilt and sadness.

I closed the book and sighed before I grabbed the pen and made it back to the bracelet. Silently, I stood and placed the book back in its spot before I turned to collect the other stuff I had on the desk.

I blinked when I saw an old looking book on the top of my stuff, stunned. I had no idea where it came from and felt magic coming from it. Hesitantly, I reached out and touched the cover, praying that it wouldn't shock me like the other book did.

Thankfully, it didn't.

"Where did you come from?" I asked and picked it up before I moved the book around in my hands. "Why are you here?"

Feeling as if I was being watched, I looked up to notice that the old lady was back in the painting. She looked the same as she had the last time, but she did not have the lantern with her. When she noticed me looking at her, she smiled and bowed her head before she disappeared.


I blinked and blinked again while I stared at the picture with an open mouth.

What just happened?

Hesitantly, I opened the book and saw the name: Adrianna written on the front cover. Curiosity filled me, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to look through the book, so I closed the book and placed it into my bag with the hopes that I could read it soon.

Hopefully, this book will have some answers that I so desperately needed and desired.

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