Chapter 86

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I kept my face buried in Vanar's mane after I finished my tale, not wanting to see the look on their faces after I had revealed everything that had happened and the silent suspicions that Ethan was the cause of the accident that killed our mother.

Dani was the first to move and sighed while she shook her head, processing everything that I had told her. "Damn," she said, her voice soft and breathless. "And everyone knows everything?" she asked, referencing what I had told them about who knew and didn't know.

I hesitated but shook my head. "Dr. Weiner and Serena do not," I replied. "They know a bit, but..." I shrugged and grimaced, not able to explain what they knew and didn't know.

"Hmmm." I had a feeling that she nodded while she looked at me, waiting for me to meet her gaze, but I didn't.

Vanar stayed rooted in his spot and didn't say a word. His emotions were all over the place, but I could tell that he was sad and angry that this happened to me and was upset with himself for the way that he treated me in the beginning.

"Ley, come here," Dani said softly. "Look at me." She paused and sighed when I didn't do what she wanted me to do, and I had a feeling that she shook her head. "Please."

I took a deep, shuddering breath while I sent a silent prayer to the gods that my sister didn't hate me and pulled my face away from Vanar's warm neck.

Nervously, I turned my head and looked at her, but I didn't leave Vanar's side, needing his comfort more than my sister's.

Dani's eyes were filled with tears, and she had her hands covering her heart as if her heart ached from all the pain and suffering I had carried for all this time. She held back an eye roll when I didn't walk over toward her, but I could tell that she was slightly miffed.

"Yes?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "What is it?"

Dani sighed and started to walk towards us but stopped when Vanar snorted and backed away, warning her about coming any closer to us.

He dipped his head closer to me and watched Dani, daring her to come closer, but she didn't, knowing full well that he was protective over me, especially because of the truth that I had just told them.

"Ley, please," Dani said softly and bowed her head slightly, indicating that she wasn't a threat and wasn't going to hurt me. "You don't have to be afraid of me hurting you or whatever. All I want you to do is feel what I am saying."

I hesitated but nodded before I cleared my throat and licked my lips.

Slowly, I removed myself from Vanar's hug and walked towards my older sister with my head down, not wanting to see the look in her eyes.

When I got to my sister, I stopped in front of her with my chin tucked closer toward my chest and my gaze on the ground.

My heart pounded hard in my chest, and it took all of my self-control not to shake with the fear and nervousness that I felt, for I had no idea what she wanted to do. However, that wasn't the case because I was still shaking underneath her gaze.

What I didn't expect was for her to pull me into a tight hug and for her to start to sob, her whole body shaking with each breath she took while she sobbed in my arms.

I didn't know what to do and stood still with eyes wide and mouth agape. I was still shaking, but I wasn't shaking as bad as I had been when I finally did what I wanted to do and hugged her, letting her cry into my shoulder.

Tears filled the corners of my eyes, but I didn't let them fall while I waited for her to finish crying. I hadn't expected her to cry this much while I held her tight, not knowing what to do.

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