Chapter 106

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"What do you not like?" my father asked while he entered the kitchen followed by Izzy. He raised an eyebrow in question while he looked between the three of us, his jaw set but with amusement filling his eyes.

Even's face grew pale, and she cleared her throat and shifted on her feet, her cheeks growing red. "Nothing, Papa," she said, and she shook her head, not able to meet his gaze. "It's nothing. You don't have to worry about it."

I held back an eye roll but didn't say a word while I started to eat my food again. My whole body was tense, and I couldn't help but feel slightly nervous about being in Izzy's presence, especially because of the argument we had yesterday.

"Why is it that I do not believe you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in question. He looked at me, and I didn't meet his gaze but kept it on my food. "Hadley?" he asked while he dipped his head closer to his chest. "What is going on? What do you not like?"

I hesitated before I shook my head and shifted in my seat. I took another bite of my food, praying that he would drop the subject.

"Hadley Rose," he said again with a small warning tone in his voice, even though I could hear a small bit of amusement in it as well. He scowled and narrowed his eyes while he looked at me, and I hesitated but looked at him with wide, innocent eyes, praying that he would drop the subject.

"Papa, it is fine," Dani said while she shook her head. She bit her lip and cleared her throat to hide a chuckle before she looked at me and then at our father again. "It's nothing to worry about."

My father's scowl deepened while he looked between the three of us. He didn't say a word, and I could tell that he didn't believe her but didn't want to start anything in front of both Even and Izzy.

"Even is just picking up on Hadlye's habits," Dani said, she shrugged and grimaced. She looked at me and smiled before she winked, teasingly. "Isn't that right, Ley?" she asked while she raised an eyebrow in question.

Even's eyes grew wide while she looked between us before she looked at our father. "I am not," she said, defending herself. "I am not talking to animals."

"But it did look like you were," I said while I picked up my fork and started to eat my food again. "I mean, Tig can't talk, but it did look like you were talking to her."

"She can communicate in other ways," Even said while she gestured to my cat, who still sat in the seat beside me. "You know every flick of the tail and everything coming from her. Don't tell me that you don't talk to her."

My cat flicked her ears to the back of her head back and scowled before she went "meeeer," and Dani, Even, and my father looked at her, trying to see what she had to say. She didn't say a word while she shifted away from me, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes and shake my head.

"There is no need to get all huffy, Tig," I said, and she flicked her ear toward me. "You do like to argue."

She flicked her tail and huffed while she pursed her lips and wrinkled her nose, and I bit back a small snort.

"Yes, yes, I know, Tig," I said softly. "Now, come here and sit on my lap, Baby Girl." I wiggled my fingers together while I reached out for her, and she sighed before she walked over to me, taking her place in my lap.

My cat started to purr while she kneaded my leg. She closed her eyes while she laid down on my lap, and I slowly started to relax, even though I had no idea that I was so tense.

Maybe it was because Izzy was in the room with us...

My father cleared his throat and shifted on his feet. He didn't say a word while he looked between us, and he set his jaw.

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