Chapter 25

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I got into the car, letting out a sigh of relief and relaxing my body. I had no idea why the Headmaster was outside, glaring at me as I got into the car, but he was. I had no idea if my father knew that he was glaring at me, even though he was looking in that direction.

"How was your first class?" my dad asked. His jaw was set, and I could tell that he was disapproving of something. Maybe, he saw what the Headmaster was doing, but I had no idea how he knew about him.

"Ok..." I said, slamming the door shut. I gave him a weird look, with him ignoring it as he drove away from the school. "I get to do a project with Jenny. She's in my class."

"That's good, and I think that your sisters are in your other classes?" he asked, and I nodded. "Good. Who is in which one?"

I stayed silent and shrugged my shoulder as I tried to think of the other girls and which classes we had together. "Gwen is in my second class," I said finally. "I haven't looked at my schedule, but Jenny had placed who is in which class for me on there."

"Why do you not know who is in your class?" my father asked, sounding rather amused.

"I wasn't paying attention," I replied. "I only paid attention to the part where they were going over who had to take which sister to their class. I had to take Nina to her class."

My dad nodded his head. "Did you make any friends?" he asked, and I shrugged.

"I was only there for one day and two whole classes," I said. "Do you really think that I would make any friends?" I gave him a look, and my father smiled and shrugged.

"You never know," he said, chuckling, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. "How do you like your teachers?"

"I like Ms. Carten, my History teacher," I said. "Mr. Greene..." I shrugged and grimace. "He has too big of an ego, and he is too full of himself."

My father chuckled nodded his head. "I am sure that he is," he said. He grabbed the steering wheel tighter, and I frowned. "Has he tried to flirt with you?" he asked, and I nodded.

"He kept smiling and flirting with everyone and me, but... it doesn't affect me... it just makes me nervous..."

"I see," he said. "What about Jenny?"

"It doesn't affect her either," I replied. "Don't ask me why it doesn't; I don't know. I know that it doesn't."

Dad nodded his head. "I won't," he promised. He paused and narrowed his eyes a bit, glancing at me before looking at the road. "It's nothing bad or dangerous. Is it?"

I shook my head. "It's nothing bad or dangerous," I confirmed. "It's just something that she doesn't know how you will react, so she is keeping it quiet."

Dad nodded his head. "Do you want to go to the house first to get changed?" he asked, changing the subject. "I am sure that you want to go to the barn."

"I do... but I promised Gwen that I would get some sleep," I said. I paused and licked my lips before looking at my hands. I was nervous telling my father that I was having nightmares "again," but I knew that I needed to be a little bit more open. "I've been having nightmares again."

"Oh?" my father asked, and I nodded. "About..?"

I didn't answer but shrugged my shoulder. I had been having nightmares about what had happened to me as well as stuff that I couldn't remember. This stuff was like a blurry picture as if it had happened or would happen. I didn't know what, but it was driving me crazy.

"Hadley," my father warned. "Nightmares about what?"

"I forgot," I replied. I furrowed my brows, trying to "remember." "It's... so blurry," I replied. "Like, I can only see figures, but I have no idea what is happening in them."

"Are you sure?" my father asked, sounding a little doubtful.

I nodded my head. "Yes, Sir," I replied. "I am sure."

"Ok, if you are sure..." he said, sounding doubtful. "I will try to see if I can't get you some medication to help with your sleeping medication to stop them. Would that work out for you?"

I nodded my head, feeling rather grateful that my father would do that. "Yes..." I said. "Thank you. That'd be wonderful." I hesitated and licked my lips. "I just don't want..."

My father nodded his head. "I know," he promised. "I have learned my lesson. You will be alright when you take this. I promise."

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