Chapter 100

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"Are you ready?" my father asked and raised an eyebrow while he watched me check Vanar's girth and bridle to make sure everything was right. He leaned against the wooden fence that surrounded the indoor arena while he raised that eyebrow, and my cat sat on the post beside him.

"Yes, Sir, I think so," I said and nodded. I looked at the course that I had set up and pursed my lips in annoyance, trying to decide if I wanted to set the rails higher before I got on him and started to ride.

"They are fine for now, Hadley," Vanar said and nudged my shoulder, and I looked at him. He pressed his ears close to his head before he pricked them while he scowled and narrowed his eyes. "Would you hop on already and let's go?"

I bit back a small chuckle before I slowly nodded and unrolled the stirrups. "Ok," I said before I cleared my throat when something occurred to me. "Are you going to have to challenge me again?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"No," Vanar said and shook his head. "That was only a one time thing. I do not have to challenge you every ride, even though it would be fun." He looked at me and smirked, and I rolled my eyes and scowled.

"Very funny, Shadow," I said while I patted my head to make sure that I had a helmet on, and I breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't want to do that every ride."

My horse narrowed his eyes and scowled. "As stated before, you were the first person that fought me every step of the way, Ley. You didn't have to do that, but you did it anyway."

I pressed my lips into a thin line while I tried to bite back a smirk. "Hmph."

"I would have enjoyed seeing that," my father admitted, and we looked at him. He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly. "It's not every day that you get to see a horse and rider bond that way, especially since the bond between the horse and rider is already strong."

I shrugged and bit back a small smile, amused. "It was interesting to say the least," I said hesitantly. I pulled my horse away from the fence and into the middle of the ring. "I think I scared Serena while doing it."

"You did," Vanar said and nodded, "especially since you didn't have the other stirrup before I started to run around and buck."

"Yes, I am still mad at you about that," I said and hopped onto the saddle before I got settled, and my horse flicked his tail while he waited until I was ready. "Why did you have to gallop as soon as I was almost in the saddle?"

Vanar shrugged. "I had to start," he said innocently, and I bit back a small snort but rolled my eyes. "That was the way that I wanted to start because you had to work for it."

I rolled my eyes but didn't say a word.

"You have to admit, it was fun," he said and nuzzled my boot. "Wasn't it?"

"No, because I almost had a heart attack," I said, and he snorted and shook his head, amused. "Now, let's get warmed up and then we can do some jumps."

"Heck ya," Vanar said and let out a small buck before he started to walk toward the fence on the other side of the arena with my father watching us. "Let's go warm up and show your father what you can do."

I bit back a small laugh and rubbed his neck, and he nuzzled my boot before he looked away. "He knows what I can do, Shad," I said while my father chuckled. "He knows what I can do."

"Yes, but he doesn't know what you can do on me."

I bit back a small snort and shook my head, even though I knew what he said was true. "Of course, Shad," I said. "Now come on and let's ride."

Horse Stone (Book 1 of Ilyrian Series)Where stories live. Discover now