Chapter 113

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The Headmaster cleared his throat to hide a snort before he stood taller and narrowed his eyes while he scowled. "That is not you failing me, Your Highness," he said calmly, bowing his head a little. "If that is you failing me, then I would hate to know what to think when you actually fail me." He looked at me again and slowly blinked.

I furrowed my brows and cocked my head while I looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I am not able to do what you have asked of me. How is that not failing you?"

The Headmaster bit back an annoyed sigh and held back an eye roll. He pressed his lips into a thin line and cleared his throat before he bowed again, not meeting my gaze. "That is me failing you."

"How?" I asked and furrowed my brows further while I stared at him with wide eyes, shocked. "How is that you failing me, Headmaster, when I am the one that can not do it or able to do it?"

The Headmaster sighed and shook his head before he cleared his throat again and shifted on his feet. "Because a part of me keeps forgetting that you are still new to this world and to using your powers," he explained

"But that doesn't mean you have failed me," I said with a shake of my head. "It just means that I have surpassed what you have expected of me in the amount of time we have "known" each other." I furrowed my brows and shrugged before I grimaced and licked my lips hesitantly. "It also didn't help that I had used a very difficult spell that I wasn't supposed to use or know about before I was "called" to Ilyrian."

The Headmaster set his jaw before he slowly nodded. "Of course," he said before he cleared his throat and stood taller, not saying another word.

I furrowed my brows closer together when a thought occurred to me, and I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Will... my father be mad at me if you do this for me?" I asked while I cocked my head and studied him, praying that he wouldn't. "Doesn't this count as me using magic when I am not supposed to?"

"In a way," the Headmaster replied before he cleared his throat and stood taller. "However, do you want to talk without your companion or with him by your side?"

"With him," I replied instantly with a shake of my head. "No offense, Headmaster, but I do not trust you that much." I dipped my head closer to my chest and cleared my throat while I shifted on my feet. "I know that you will not hurt me and that you respect the throne, but..." I shrugged and grimaced, trailing off because I felt guilty with the thought that I didn't want to say out loud.

But I didn't trust you enough to do this alone...

A look of hurt flashed across the Headmaster's face before he quickly set his jaw and made sure that I couldn't read anything else on his face. "Then order me to tell you," he said with a slow hum in his voice. "Are you worried that I will get in trouble with your father?" he asked and cocked his head and studied me.

"Yes," I replied instantly with a quick nod. I cleared my throat and shifted on my feet, my cheeks turning red. "I am worried that you will get into trouble with my father, which is why I am worried about doing this..."

"Hmph." The Headmaster pressed his lips into a thinner line and slowly nodded. "Then tell me that you order me to help you," he said. "I can not go against the throne with any orders that the heir to the throne, in this case you, give me."

I bit back a small sigh before I slowly nodded. "Ok," I said before I cleared my throat and stood taller. "Then I guess you need to look at me for me to do that."

The Headmaster set his jaw and slowly nodded. "Of course, Your Highness," he said coldly with a small bow.

He moved away from me, and I turned around to face him, setting my jaw and praying that this wouldn't bite me in the ass.

I stared at him, and he shifted on his feet before he bowed, not looking me in the eyes, and I couldn't help but feel this power that I had within me while I continued to stare at him with a hard gaze in my eyes. "Look at me, Thorne," I said, harshly, even though I did not like that at all.

The Headmaster flinched but did what I told him to do and looked at me. His face was blank while he stared at me, and I could tell that he did not like this at all.

"I order you to help me contact Lucas so that we will be able to discuss whatever we need to discuss. You will not tell anyone what you have done to help me. Is that understood?"

The Headmaster bowed slowly and deeply while he kept looking at me, the spell taking effect as soon as it left my lips. "Yes, Your Highness," he said, smoothly before he cleared his throat and stood taller. "I understand and will follow your orders."

I breathed a small sigh of relief and slowly nodded, dismissing the power as fast as it had come. "Good," I said before I cleared my throat and shifted on my feet. "Now, can you help, please? I don't want to be that late to Mr. Greene's class even if I am not sure I want to go to his class anyway."

The Headmaster raised an eyebrow in question, looking slightly amused that I did not want to be in his class. "And why not?" he asked and raised the eyebrow higher. "Why do you not want to be in his class, Your Highness?"

I shrugged and grimaced, my cheeks turning red because he was the first person that I was going to tell my suspicions to about him not being "normal," even though I had no idea who was normal or not now that I was part of a magical world where unicorns and other mythical creatures existed. "Because I don't think he is from here, like this part of Earth, but from somewhere entirely different, especially since he seems to make any girl fall for him with just a smile and a wink."

"Including you?" the Headmaster asked and cocked his head to the side while he studied me. Something that looked like protectiveness filled his eyes, and I had a feeling that he knew what Mr. Greene was and didn't want me to fall for his "trap."

I bit back a small snort and shook my head, amused. "No," I said, trying but failing to bite back a laugh. "Everyone except for me and Jen falls for it. Other than that, everyone is attracted to him, and I do not understand it at all."

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