Chapter 91

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A/N: I promise. I am working on this story. However, I have been working on others more. If you want me to update this before I actually do, feel free to tell me to update, but please give me about three days to do so.




Dr. Wilson woke me up when we reached his apartment building. He stayed silent while he checked out the area, making sure that we were alone before he opened the door to his car. "Stay still," he said when I reached for the door to get out of the car too. "Let me open it for you."

I paused and stared at him with wide eyes, not knowing why he would want to open my door as well. I stayed silent and watched as he bowed his head before he closed his car door and ran across the other side so that he could open mine.

"Here," he said after he opened the car door for me. "Let's get you inside and warmed up so that you don't catch a cold, yes?"

I hesitated but nodded before I took off my seatbelt and got out of the car, making sure to take Tigra with me. I moved my hand through my cat's fur while I looked at Dr. Wilson, watching him with wide eyes.

Dr. Wilson smiled and bowed his head before he closed the door and gestured for me to start following him to his house.

I did so quietly, grateful that it stopped raining and prayed that it wouldn't start again when both my father and I meet again later.

Dr. Wilson kept glancing around while he stayed silent and walked towards his home. His whole body was tense, and I had no idea why he was so tense while he walked, but I didn't bother to ask because I had a small feeling that he was making sure that he didn't have to protect me from something that lurked behind the shadows.

I stayed silent and kept my head down while I followed him to his house, making sure that I didn't squeeze my cat too hard. My whole body was tense as well, but I knew it was because I was in a new place and because my father could come here at any time, even though I wasn't ready to face him.

Why did he have to find out like that? I silently wondered, my heart aching while I cringed in guilt and annoyance. Couldn't he have not walked in while I was yelling at Izzy about her stupidity with Ethan?

I took a deep breath and let it out, trying to relax my tense body.

I had no idea what the future held, but I prayed that whatever happened, my father wouldn't look at me differently because if he did, then I knew that I wouldn't be able to survive. I knew that I would let the pain and sorrow fill my mind until there was nothing left but that.

My cat did her little chirp and burrowed herself closer to me, even though there was nowhere else to go. She started to purr, the rumbling vibrations filling my body, and I had to make sure that I didn't close my eyes while I felt it because I didn't want to miss my next step or accidentally fall to the ground.

Dr. Wilson stopped in front of a door and cleared his throat while he looked at me. He took his keys out of his pocket and studied me, making sure that I was still doing fine, even though I was still shaken up from what had occurred.

I stayed silent and looked at him with wide eyes. I kept a hold of Tigra while I looked at him, waiting for him to open the door to his house so that we could get situated for the night.

"I sincerely apologize about the state of my house," he said apologetically while he bowed his head. "I have not had time to clean it as I should have."

I offered him a small smile and dipped my head, not worried about the state of his house. "It's ok, Doc," I said softly. "I am grateful to have another place to stay while I give the king some time to cool down after he found out what happened to me."

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