Chapter 35

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I walked into the library the next day and bit back a sigh of relief, glad that I had a study break in which none of my other sisters had. It was a time where I could be alone and process information that I had received, even though I had done most of the thinking yesterday.

My dad was the king of Ilyrian, and there was no denying it. However, why was he here, in this realm and not there? Did something happen? Was that the reason why he was here?

"We will need the both of you to survive," I remembered Dr. Wilson had said when he broke Vanar's horn off of his head. "Good luck."

I huffed and shook my head while I pushed open the double doors and looked around, gasping in shock and awe.

The library was huge, books taking up all the wall space, including the area where the librarian should be standing. The library was about three stories high, with the bookshelves being from floor to ceiling with a ladder in front of each bookshelf.

Desks lined the middle of the area with more bookshelves on either side, but it didn't feel cramped because of the floor to ceiling windows that let natural light in, making the room feel soft and warm.

Gwen would love this, I thought, looking around while I walked towards the librarian's desk. I wonder if she had been here yet.

I shook my head, thinking that she probably did, and stopped in front of the desk to see that no one was there. "Hello?" I asked, looking this way and that. "Is anyone here?"

No answer.

I pursed my lips and moved a hand across my face, feeling tired. Great. Now how am I going to ask for help? Is there even a book that will help me get a unicorn's horn back?

There was this little tinkling noise, and I opened my eyes to see a bell with a note attached. The note read: Please ring for assistance.

Was this bell even there?

I furrowed my brows and pursed my lips further. After I made sure that I was actually alone, I rang the bell, and it made this soft ding.

A man popped from underneath the desk with large glasses covering his ever-changing eyes from the "normal" eye colors to gold, white, red, and black. His wild white hair stood out in every direction, and he reminded me of one of those crazy scientists.

"Ah," he said, recognition flickering through his eyes and breaking me from watching his eyes shift from different colors. He smiled and bowed his head. "You must be another Miss McCormick," he said.

I furrowed my brows and cocked my head. "How di-"

"You have the same jaw structure as your sister," he said, interrupting me while he gestured toward his jaw.

"Oh," I replied, and he nodded.

"Well," he cleared his throat, "what may I help you with?"

"Do you have a book on unicorns?" I asked, cocking my head. I furrowed my brows and frowned. "Like how can they lose their horns and if they can get it back?"

He raised a bushy eyebrow. "What for?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Research."

"For..?" He pressed gently.

I shrugged again, my heart starting to pound in my chest. I had no idea where he was getting at, but I didn't want many people to know that I knew about Ilyrian just yet. "For fun," I replied. "I like studying mythical creatures and wonder if there is a way to make sure one stays alive without a horn."

"Hmmmm," was his reply while he nodded his head. He didn't believe me. "Do you believe that unicorns exist?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Uh, ya, because I had met one, I thought. But he doesn't have his horn, and I want to see if I can't get it back for him. "I think that that there are... some unexplained circumstances that happen," I replied. "There might be some mythical creatures, but I don't think I've seen one."

"Mmmmhmmm," he said, narrowing his eyes. He still didn't believe me. "I do think I have something for you," he said. He went underneath his desk. "However, I think you shouldn't tell anyone about it." He pulled a book from underneath his desk and set it down with a thud.

I held back a wince when he did that and studied the book bound in brown leather, and the urge to touch the book was strong. However, I held back, not knowing what would happen if I did put my hand on it. I didn't want one of those visions that could scare the crap out of him as it had done with my sisters.

"You won't get a vision if that is what you are worried about," the librarian said, shifting through a desk drawer. He found what he was looking for, a quill with a red and yellow feather that looked magical, and he walked back in front of me. "And it wouldn't freak me out if you did." He winked while he set it down beside the book.

I stared at him with wide eyes, and my mouth opened slightly. I was shocked. I had no idea how he knew what I was thinking, unless...

Can you hear my thoughts? Are you from Ilyrian, too?

The librarian nodded. "I can help you set up a blockage, so I and others wouldn't be able to, Princess, but yes. I can hear your thoughts."

My mouth went dry when he called me a princess, and I shook my head. "Please don't call me that," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "Only Lucas and Tigra know that I know about my... lineage."

He nodded, understanding flickering through his eyes. "I think you will find this helpful for any questions that you have." He pushed the book towards me. "I can answer some, but..." He shrugged.

"You're ordered by the king not to say anything," I finished, and he nodded. I pursed my lips and nodded. "Is there anyone that can? Besides the... unicorn?"

"If you can ask the right questions, the book will answer. However, it is based on your knowledge or what you know so far."

I nodded slowly. "So like me knowing... you know, it can tell me why he is here and not there?"

"Sort of," he replied. "It will take trial and error, but I think you will see what it can and can't tell you."

"There aren't any evil spirits in it, are there?" I asked, earning a chuckle and a shake of the head.

"No, no, it isn't a Horcrux," he replied. "There isn't a piece of Voldemort's soul in it." He winked. "I am Adrian, by the way," he said, holding out his hand.

"Hadley, but I think that you already know that." I shook hands with him. "Can you not let anyone know that I know about... the king? I want to keep it a secret for as long as possible."

"Certainly," he said, nodding. He squeezed my hand and let go. "There is a brilliant study spot underneath a glass window pane on the second floor. You will find it very useful and... soothing." He shoved the book further to me. "If you need me," he touched his head and winked, "just think of me, and I will come."

I nodded and hesitantly took the book off of the table. A shiver ran down my spine, and the hair on my arms stuck up at attention. Magic coursed through my body, and I had a feeling that it was from the book. "Woah."

Adrian nodded his head. "You will find a place to store the book at the desk I told you about. Just don't forget the quill. It's the only way you will be able to write your questions."

I nodded and grabbed the quill as well, and started to walk in the direction he told me about. "Thank you," I called over my shoulder.

"My pleasure, Your Highness," he said. "I hope you will be able to find what you are looking for."

So do I. So do I.

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