Chapter 119

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I tried to focus on Ms. Carten's class, but I couldn't, especially since I could feel Ethan's gaze on me while he didn't pay any attention to anyone but me. I grabbed my pencil tighter and didn't look at him, my heart racing hard and fast in my chest.

Something slowly started to happen during her class that no one else seemed to notice but me.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up at attention while that feeling crossed me, and I couldn't help but look at Ms. Carten because I knew that it was magic, even though I had no idea what type of magic it was and wondered if Ms. Carten could feel it.

However, it did not look like she did, and if she did, then it looked like she didn't care.

But she didn't realize that the Headmaster had done something to me before Dr. Wilson did something to gain her attention back to us...

Liam looked at me like he had been doing for the past few minutes and frowned when he saw something on my face that he didn't like. "Ley?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper before he leaned closer to me. "Are you ok? What's wrong?"

I shook my head and pressed my lips into a thin line. I did not say a word and grabbed my pencil tighter while I ignored the feeling or at least attempted to ignore it. My heart skipped a beat before it started to pound faster and harder in my chest while I waited for the feeling to pass or for it to grow stronger and consume me like I knew it wanted to.

Oh, Gods... what's happening to me?

My heart skipped a beat before it started to pound faster and harder in my chest. My hands started to shake, and then my whole body followed while I tried to keep my composure, even though it did not work.

Liam frowned and raised his hand, furrowing his brows while he turned his attention to Ms. Carten. "Ms. Carten?" he asked, interrupting her from talking about something that I did not understand and did not care. "Ms. Carten?"

Ms. Carten stopped talking and pursed her lips in annoyance while she looked at him. "Yes, Mr. Treat?" she asked and raised an eyebrow in question, and her eyes flashed with something that I didn't like, especially since he was trying to help me. "What can I do for you since you had to rudely interrupt me from this lesson?"

"Something is wrong with Hadley," he said and gestured toward me. "I don't know if she needs to go to the doctors or what, but this doesn't look good."

Ms. Carten looked my way, and frowned. Concern flashed through her eyes while they turned a different color, and she slowly started to walk towards me at a snail like pace, even though it could have probably been because of Ethan. "Ms. McCormick?" she asked, and her voice seemed different, too, for it sounded as if she was further away than she was. "Are you ok?"

I tried to shake my head but couldn't. My heart pounded harder and faster in my chest, jumping into my throat every so often with each pounding of my heart. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, while I waited for something, anything to happen.

Oh, Gods what's happening to me?

"Hadley?" Ms. Carten asked again. Her eyes became wide with fear, and it seemed to me that she knew that something magical was happening to me, even though she had no idea what it was and how she could help.

Black spots started to appear at the edge of my vision, and for some reason, it felt as if these black spots were going to help me for some reason, even though I had no idea how or what was going on.

I closed my eyes and relented to the darkness that wanted to consume me, and everything else turned black while I passed out, praying that I wasn't making a grave mistake by letting this happen.

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