Hellhound Training - Parrish

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Recently, Jordan has been dealing with some new found powers. They seem to be getting stronger everyday, but he has no idea how to control them or what to do with them. He's not even sure what he is, so you decided to help him figure everything out.

You told him to meet you in the middle of the preserve, so he was now walking around looking for you.


You were sitting in a tree, high up enough that he didn't see you, so you jumped down and landed right in front him.

He jumped a little, "Don't do that!"

You laughed, "I wouldn't have scared you if you found me, so we're going to work on that."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember how I said I was going to help you figure out your powers?"

"Yeah, but I've been having really weird, vivid dreams, and I'm pretty sure I'm fireproof. Isn't that what we should be focusing on?"

"Well, before we can work on all that, you need to learn how to trust your senses. No matter what type of supernatural you are, you need to be in tune with your senses to harness your powers."

"Okay, that makes sense, but how do I do that?"

"Like I said, you're going to find me, but you're actually going to use all your senses this time."

"How do I do that? Where do I start?"

You smiled and shrugged, "Figure it out!"


You cut him off by running away and yelled out, "Figure it out Jordan!"

He watched, completely confused, as you disappeared into the preserve, until he snapped out of his daze and ran after you.

He looked around as he ran, but he couldn't find you anywhere. He had no idea where he should be going, which way he should turn, or if he should be looking in the trees again. He was at a loss.

You watched from behind a tree, a few feet away from him, as he stood there, looked around, and sighed heavily.

You sympathized with him, you remember how frustrating it was learning to control your powers, so you yelled out to him, "Trust yourself Jordan! You can do this!"

He turned to look at you, so you smiled warmly at him before taking off again.

Jordan followed you immediately this time, but you quickly lost him, as he couldn't keep up with your werewolf speed.

You looked back as you were running and noticed he was gone, but you kept running. All in hopes that he wasn't too far behind, and that he was really trying to use his senses to find you.

As you were running, Jordan suddenly ran out in front of you and grabbed your hips, lifting you in the air and spinning you around to stop your momentum.

You both stood there, out of breath, looking at each other intently with his hands still on your hips, and your hands on his shoulders.

He smiled, "Found you."


"I did what you said. I trusted myself and well, I was able to sense where you were. I don't know exactly how, because I felt like I was just drawn to you, but I did."

You smiled, "Told you you could do it."

He smiled again, and then realized how close he was to you, and that he was still holding your hips.

He cleared his throat as he let go of you and took a step back, "Yeah, um, thank you by the way."

Your cheeks had turned a shade of pink, "Anytime."

You both began walking out of the preserve together, and Jordan spoke abruptly, "Do you think you could help me again (y/n)? With my powers?"

You smiled at him, "Yeah of course, just let me know when."

"Tomorrow evening?"

"Yeah that works."

"And maybe," he took a deep breath and smiled at you, "we could get dinner afterwards? If you want."

You looked down and smiled as you felt your face turn red, "Yeah," you looked back up at him, "yeah I'd like that."

"Perfect," you got to your cars at the edge of the preserve, "so I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

You both got in your cars and drove home.

Once you got home, you couldn't help but think about Jordan and everything that happened. Who knew such a simple thing could turn into something so great?


I know it's been a hot minute since I last updated, but I truly have been busy, so I hope you guys don't mind. I will update when I can, that I promise.

Thanks for reading! <3

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