Unwanted - Aiden

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You've been dating Aiden ever since he and Ethan came to Beacon Hills. You were both so in love with each other, but Deucalion wasn't crazy about it.

You were a mortal but you knew about the supernatural, so when Aiden told you about him and his brother being werewolves in an alpha pack you weren't scared. What did scare you was Deucalion, you never met him but from what you heard he was a bad guy.

One day Aiden took you out on a date, you were picnicking on the preserve at around sunset. It was so beautiful and everything was perfect.

"Aiden this is amazing. The sky looks so pretty, the birds' songs sound beautiful, I'm with the boy I love and everything is just perfect."

"I'm glad you love it (y/n), and I love you."

"I love you too.", you leaned in and kissed him. The kiss was long and full of love, but he pulled away abruptly and looked the opposite way.

"What's the matter?"

"I heard something, it sounds like someone."

As Aiden was looking Kali jumped out and pinned him to the ground, "Kali what the hell get off of me!"

As Kali kept Aiden on the ground Deucalion came out from the trees and started walking towards you. Aiden knew what was happening now, "(Y/n) run!!"

You stood up and started to run, but your human speed was not fast enough against Deucalion's werewolf speed. He grabbed you and you couldn't break free. He dragged you back over to where Kali was now restricting Aiden's arms.

"Aiden I told you if you didn't get rid of her I would. I don't like mortals, especially ones that know about the supernatural world, they know too much and get in the way."

"Deucalion leave her alone! Do whatever you want to me! Ok? Just let her go!"

"I told you to get rid of her but you don't follow orders. I guess if you want something done right you have to do it yourself."

At that moment Deucalion took out his claws and stuck them in your stomach. You screamed out in pain and Aiden had a look of complete heartbreak and sadness plastered on his face.

Deucalion let go of you and you fell to the ground clutching your stomach. Kali let go of Aiden and he ran over to you, taking you in his arms, "What have you done?! You monster!!"

"I told you she was unwanted.", Deucalion and Kali turned around and left you and Aiden alone.

"Hey (y/n), look at me, it's going to be ok. I promise."

"A-Aiden. I'm g-going to d-die."

"No you won't. Give me your arm."

You weakly lifted you arm for Aiden to take. He lifted it to his mouth where his fangs were now out, "This is going to hurt baby, I'm sorry, but it's the only way I can save you."

He wrapped his fangs around your arm and bit down, you screamed out in pain. When he was done it took only a few seconds for the bite mark to be gone, and the wound on your stomach started healing as you regained your strength.

You sat up and looked at Aiden, he smiled at you and spoke, "See, you're ok. And now you're just like me."

"I'm a wolf now, but I thought only Deucalion could've done that to me because he's the head of the pack."

"Deucalion may be the head of the pack, but I'm still an alpha.", you smiled at him and hugged him tightly.

You stayed in each other's arms for awhile, and when you pulled away Aiden leaned down to kiss you, "You'll never be unwanted by me."

Ok so I had this idea and thought it was great, but then I sucked at putting it into words. I hope you enjoyed it despite my crappy writing!

Thanks for reading!💕

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