Blue Eyes - Scott

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You had been dating Scott, the alpha of your pack, for quite a while now. You were friends with him before you started dating so you've known him for a long time.

There's still a big secret you keep from him though. Your wolf eyes are blue, indicating you killed an innocent. It wasn't your fault, it was your first full moon and you ran out of the house in madness. Your older brother Derek followed behind you to get you before you could do anything, but it was too late you pounced on the first thing you saw, which happened to be someone walking on the sidewalk.

Your actions haunt you to this day but it wasn't intentional. The only ones who know of your blue eyes are Derek of course and Malia. You always make sure to hide your eyes from everyone whenever you're turned.

One day you were training with Scott at the loft and it was getting intense. Every practice fight you did seemed to get harder and harder.

Scott explained the next scenario to you, "Ok ready? Go."

You started sparring with each other and doing different things to get away from an enemy. At one point you decided to do a specific move that required a lot of physical effort so you used your wolf powers to help you. Because of this your eyes were glowing after the move.

Scott stopped and looked at you with a surprised look on his face.

You were confused at first but then realized your eyes were glowing. You blinked so your normal eye color was showing again. You couldn't believe what you just did, "Oh my god. Scott listen—"

He cut you off, "Your eyes are blue. You killed an innocent?"

At this point you were tearing up because you could hear the pain in his voice, it was like he couldn't believe that you would do something like that. You had to tell him the truth now, "Scott look I'm so sorry for not telling you, but I'm going to tell you the whole story so please you need to believe me."

You told him the story and he listened the whole time. Once you were done he spoke, "(y/n) why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I was afraid. I didn't want to lose you Scott, no one has stayed around and cared about me as much as you do. I haven't cared about someone as much as I care about you."

He smiled at you, "Nothing could take me away from you (y/n). Not even your blue eyes."

You smiled back, "I love you so much Scott."

"I love you too (y/n)."

You wrapped your arms around his neck and he put his hands on your waist, you both leaned in and your lips collided. Sparks went flying through your body just like they did the first time you kissed him.

I like how this one came out! I love Scott so much he's such a smol puppy.

Thanks for reading guys!💕

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