Jealousy - Liam

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You were at the lacrosse field watching the boys practice for the big game they had tonight. It was against Devonford Prep, your boyfriend Liam's old school. All the boys were on edge, especially Liam, so you constantly reassured him he was going to do just fine.

Coach let the boys have a small break so you were hanging out with Scott, Stiles and Liam. In the middle of talking you saw the bus with Devonford Prep boys on it pull up. The boys walked off the bus and almost all of them were checking you out, but one was really looking at you. His name was Brett Talbot and you knew that because of how much Liam hated him.

As Brett walked past you he spoke, "Hey gorgeous.", he winked.

You immediately turned to Liam who looked beyond pissed, so you had to calm him down, "Hey Liam, it's ok. I don't care what he says. No one's going to be able to split us up. Ok?"

Liam looked at you and his expression softened, "Yeah, I just don't like when guys talk to you like that."

You smiled a bit, "Well it wasn't disrespectful towards me, you just get jealous don't you Dunbar?"

"What? (y/n) you're crazy I don't get jealous.", he tried to play it off but it wasn't working and it was pretty funny.

Of course Stiles had to chime in, "You're such a liar, it's so obvious how jealous you get.", he laughed.

Scott chimed in too, "Come on Liam you don't even try and hide it. Don't lie!", he laughed too.

Liam blushed a little and let out a nervous laugh, "Well I guess I do get a little jealous."

Stiles wasn't buying it, "A little?"

"Ok fine a lot. I get very jealous when other guys talk to you (y/n).", he looked down at his shoes and blushed even more.

You smiled, "Well I find it adorable when you get jealous. And it means that you must really like me, huh?", you laughed and so did Liam.

"Well I do really like you, I happen to love you."

"I happen to love you too.", you smiled and then kissed him.

Stiles spoke up, "Ew you guys are so cute it's gross."

Scott spoke, "You guys are such puppies."

You smiled and Liam smiled when he saw you smile. Coach called all the boys back onto the field to discuss the game plan for the night, so the boys went back on the field and you went back on the bleachers.

You happily watched your best friends and boyfriend crush Devonford Prep that night.

I thought this was a cute one! Thanks for reading!💕

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