Bitten (Pt. 2) - Scott

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By some miracle, a few of you guys wanted a part two to my previous Scott imagine. I hope you guys like it!

Your eyes fluttered open, and you realized you weren't in your room. You sat up quickly, but soon recognized where you were. You sighed in relief and looked at the sleeping boy next to you.

You were relieved, until all the memories from the previous night flooded in. You quickly lifted your shirt and looked at your side, the bite mark was gone. You groaned and put your head in your hands, you could not believe you were a werewolf.

As you were sitting there, another thing hit you, you had sleepily told Scott you loved him last night.

You just plopped back down in bed, stared at the ceiling, and thought to yourself, "When did everything start falling apart?"

Since you plopped back into bed, the whole mattress shook, waking Scott up.

You realized what happened as he opened his eyes and slowly turned to look at you, "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up."

He yawned, "That's okay," he paused before looking at you concerned, "wait, are you okay?"

You sighed and just looked at the ceiling, "The bite mark is gone."

"That's good, that means your body didn't reject the bite and you turned."

"I know, but I never wanted this. If anything I'd want you to turn me, not some random alpha who is who knows where."

Scott propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at you so you'd be forced to look at him, "(Y/n) we're going to figure this out together, remember? Last night we said we'd work everything out together."

You laughed a little, "Yeah, we said a lot of things last night."

Scott looked confused, "What do . . . ," he trailed off as his eyes got wide, "oh god."

You sat up and looked at him, "Did you mean it?"

He was still shocked, "What?"

"What you said last night, did you mean it?"

His expression softened and he looked at you with sincerity, "Of course I did (y/n)."

You smiled, "Good because I meant it too."

Scott smiled back, "I've loved you for a long time, I just never knew how to tell you."

"That's okay, I never knew how to tell you either."

You both just looked at each other until you smiled a little wider and grabbed his face, pressing your lips to his. He instantly brought his hands up to your face and cupped your cheeks while deepening the kiss.

Eventually you both pulled away in order to breathe. You both had smiles plastered on your faces and just looked at each other happily.

Scott broke the silence, "I love you (y/n). I love you so much, and I promise I'm going to do whatever I can to help you. We're going to figure everything out together, you're going to be alright."

"I can't thank you enough Scott. I know I'll be okay because of you. I love you so much."

He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto his lap. He kept his arms tightly around you as you wrapped your arms around his torso, and rested your head against his chest.

You both just sat there in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company. As you were sitting there, you thought about how lucky you were. You knew that everything really would be alright.


I really hope you guys liked this one, and I hope it was a satisfying ending to the first one. I'm surprised anyone even wanted a part two to the first one, but hey maybe I'm just too hard on my writing.

I'm really hoping I'll have a little extra time to update these upcoming days. I'm going to try my best.

Thanks for reading! <3

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