Pressure Test - Theo

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A Theo imagine was requested by @Arrow-girl03
Also, @thepineapplewriter suggested that I start writing Theo imagines, so he'll be a permanent addition! Enjoy!

Electricity shot through your body and you screamed out in pain. You were chained to an electrically charged fence, along with three other wolves.

The hunter turned off the electricity and the four of you breathed heavily. You turned your head to the left and saw a boy and a girl with matching tattoos, they were from Satomi's pack. You turned your head to the right and saw Theo, you hadn't seen him in awhile, but you were glad he was with you.

The other two were yelling at the hunter, but you spoke to Theo instead, "Theo."

He looked at you and his eyes widened, "(Y/n)! How'd you get here?"

You sighed, "I have no idea. One minute I'm on my way to help Scott, next minute I feel electricity going through my body. I have no clue what happened."

"Me either. I've just kinda been on the move, and now I'm here."

All of a sudden electricity shot through your body again. You all yelled out in pain. When he turned the electricity off again the girl spoke, "We're not afraid to die!"

The hunter looked at all of you, "Does that go for everyone here?"

Theo spoke, "Not me."

You spoke right after him, "Me either."

"No death. No pain. I'll tell you anything you want to know."

He turned on the electricity before answering Theo, "I don't have any questions."

He turned the electricity off again and you breathed heavily. Tears were falling from your eyes uncontrollably, "Stop! Please stop!"

Theo looked at you concerned, "Okay. Maybe you have some unfinished business with these two losers. But we're not with them! We don't know who they are or what they did or what their problem is. We're not a part of it!"

He shocked you again. Once it ended Theo spoke sarcastically, "Well that wasn't friendly."

He was looking back and forth at the dial and the four of you. The girl got frustrated and yelled, "Just do it!"

He shocked you again and you all yelled. Once the electricity stopped you looked at the girl and growled, "How about you let us do the talking?"

Theo was still trying to reason with him, "You obviously have us here for a reason."

He turned it on and off again. Theo wouldn't give up, "If you, If you tell me what you want."

On and off again. Theo breathed heavily, "Whoa." You yelled to the hunter, "We're trying to help you!"

On and off again. You were getting angrier by the second, "What the hell did you two do?"

On and off again. Theo panted, "Alright, like, can, can you just," on and off again, "Stop it!"

On and off again. You yelled, "Stop!"

On and off again. Theo looked at the other two, "If we get out of this alive, I'm gonna kill you myself. And then I'm gonna—"

You whispered, "Theo."

He looked at you and you moved your eyes towards the sizzling rope that was tied around all of your wrists. He smirked and looked back at the hunter, "So, that's all you got?"

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