You've Always Been There - Stiles

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You were in 1st grade when you met Stiles, and the two of you instantly clicked. You've been best friends forever now, and he's been there for you, always.

~You were in 8th grade when your parents started fighting, yelling and screaming at each other. You sat there in your room hoping for them to stop. All of a sudden you heard something hit your window, you looked out and saw Stiles standing underneath it near the bushes. You opened it and he knew instantly what was happening by the look on your face.

"Come on (y/n), let's go to my house. And you're sleeping over."

"Ok, I'll be right there.", you took a backpack and put some clothes and other sleep over essentials in it. When the yelling died down you ran out of your room and told your parents you were sleeping over at his house. They were fine with Stiles and they were still occupied by their fight so they just mumbled an "ok".

Stiles always did this when your parents would get into a bad fight.

~It was June of your freshman year of high school and Lydia was having a huge end of year party for pretty much the whole school, so of course you had to go. You were at the party and almost everyone was drunk, but you didn't drink any alcohol. Scott and Stiles were at the party too so you were trying to find them. While walking through everyone two other freshmen came up to you.

"Hey sexy.", one of them slurred, obviously drunk.

"Why don't you come with us?"

You tried to get away from them, "No thanks I'm gonna go."

"Aw come on.", one of them grabbed your wrist tightly and the other guy pressed his body against yours.

"Get off of me! Scott! Stiles!", almost immediately Stiles came over to where you were with Scott following behind him. Stiles ripped the two drunk guys off of you and you ran into his arms, he hugged you tightly.

He spoke, "Let's all go over to my house and have a movie night."

~It was you and your boyfriend's one year anniversary, so you decided to surprise him at his house. You knocked on the door and there was no answer, you knocked again and still no answer, you knocked a third time and still no answer. His car was in the driveway he was home. You tried the nob and the door was unlocked so walked in and called out his name, "Garrett?"

There was still no answer so you went up to his room and what you saw broke your heart, he was kissing another girl. They weren't just kissing though, they were in the middle of an intense make out session, "Garrett!"

He pushed her off of him, "Baby it's not what it looks like!"

"Bullshit! We're done! It's over!"

"(Y/n) no!"

"It's over!", tears were running down your face. You ran out of his house and ran all the way to your best friend Stiles' house.

You knocked on the door and the door opened up almost immediately, "(Y/n)!......What's wrong what happened?"

You told him everything. He spoke up after, "He's such an ass he doesn't deserve you. Leaving him was the best choice, come on let's go watch some funny movies and eat ice cream."

~You were walking home from work one night in January and it was freezing. Your car was in the shop and both your parents had to work so neither of them could pick you up, so you had to walk. While walking home the snow started coming down, softly at first but then it got windy and it came down harder, making it really hard to see. A car pulled up next to you and you recognized the jeep that belonged to Stiles.

"Why are you walking home in this weather?"

"My car's in the shop and both my parents are working."

"Well get in I'm not letting you walk home in this weather."

You got in and Stiles took you home.

~You were hanging out with Stiles at his house. You were both laying on his bed staring at the ceiling in comfortable silence. After all these years, after everything that's happened, your crush on Stiles really became big. You couldn't keep it in anymore you were going to tell him, it was going to finally happen.

You sat up, "Stiles?"

He sat up and looked at you, "Yeah what's wrong?"

You took a deep breath, "I've kept this in for so long and I've finally decided to let you know. I have the biggest crush on you, I have for such a long time now. Everything you've ever done for me has only made me fall harder for you. You've always been there Stiles, no matter what you've always been there for me. You're my hero and I'm crazy about you."

He smiled the biggest smile after hearing you say that, "(Y/n) I'm so happy you said that because I'm crazy about you too. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love too!", you hugged him very tightly and he hugged you back.

He rested his head on top of yours and spoke, "I'll always be here for you (y/n). Whenever you need me, I'm here."

You looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back at you. You both started leaning in closer and before you knew it your lips connected, sending sparks throughout both of your bodies.

I know this one was really long but I like it a lot and I hope you liked it too!

Thanks for reading guys!💕

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