A Little Extra Help - Scott

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You got a text from Scott saying that it was absolutely necessary that you, him, and the rest of the pack met up tonight. He said it was very important that you guys spoke about the new things they had just learned about the alpha pack.

He told you to meet them in the boy's locker room at school because he, Stiles, and Isaac were still there from lacrosse practice. He said the other players were gone, and the rest of the pack were on there way.

You walked into the locker room and looked around, "Scott?"

No answer.

You looked around more, "Isaac? Allison?"

No answer again, the locker room was empty.

You sighed, "They said this was so important and that they were here."

You sat down on a bench and went to take your phone out when you heard the door open and close. You walked over to the door, ready to let whoever walked in hear it for not being where they said they were, but you were greeted by two people who weren't a part of your pack.

You looked at them angrily, "Ethan. Aiden."

Ethan locked the door as Aiden just looked at you with an evil smirk, "Do you know how easy it is to send fake texts?"

You widened your eyes as reality hit you, they lured you here and you fell right into their trap.

You breathed in and out heavily and regained your composure, "Leave me alone."

Aiden just laughed, "We would, but Deucalion sees you as an obstacle," he and Ethan took out their claws at the same time, "and so do we."

You started slowly backing up, "I said leave me alone."

They growled and started closing in on you, so you ran to another row of lockers and leaned against them. You grabbed your two Chinese ring daggers from your belt and got ready to fight.

You heard the twins roar and start to run to where you were hiding, so you moved quickly to an open part of the locker room so you wouldn't be cornered. They saw you, ran after you, and tried to attack you, but you defended yourself pretty well, other than a few light scratches.

You were able to slip in between them and get behind them where you slashed both of their backs with your daggers, and you were able to kick Ethan hard enough to knock him down.

They roared out in pain and looked at you in their full wolf forms, quickly diminishing your confidence. You tried to run but Ethan grabbed your ankles, knocked you over, and climbed on top of you. You yelled in fear and hit him in the face with the ringed part of the dagger, knocking him off of you.

You quickly got up and dodged Aiden's lunge towards you. You ran to the opposite end of the locker room and hid behind the last row of lockers. You reached for your phone in your pocket to text Scott, but it wasn't there. You internally groaned, knowing it had to have been knocked out of your pocket while you were fighting.

You tried to calm yourself down, but it was proving to be difficult. You were terrified and didn't know how much longer you could fight as well as you were. You tightly gripped the daggers in your shaking hands and listened for the twins.

All of a sudden you heard banging on the locker room door and a voice outside it, "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!"

You recognized it was Scott, but you didn't answer so you could stay hidden. You knew you didn't need to answer anyway, he could definitely hear your erratic heartbeat.

The banging got louder, but the twins ignored it and started closing in on you. You tightened your grip on your daggers as they turned the corner and growled at you.

You swallowed the lump in your throat and stood your ground. They started to walk towards you, but were interrupted by a loud crashing sound. They looked towards the door and saw it was no longer there, but a fully wolfed out Scott and Isaac were in its place.

Scott and Isaac roared and ran towards the twins. They roared in response and did the same. You let go of the breath you didn't even know you were holding and let your arms fall to your sides. You stayed where you were until you heard the fighting stop.

The locker room grew quiet, so you cautiously peered over the edge of the locker and didn't see anything. You took one step closer and still didn't see anything, but all of a sudden someone grabbed your shoulder. You jumped around and got your daggers ready, causing Scott and Isaac to jump.

You sighed and put them back on your belt, "Don't sneak up on me like that."

Scott spoke, "Sorry, sorry. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. Other than a few scratches here and there, I'm okay."

He sighed in relief, "Thank god."

Isaac spoke now, "How did this even happen?"

"They sent me a fake text, saying the pack was meeting here to discuss things. I can't believe I fell for it."

Scott put his hand on your shoulder, "It's okay, you didn't know."

"But I should've. I should've known it was fake. If I did I wouldn't have put you guys in danger."

Scott pulled you in for a hug which you gladly returned, "It's okay (y/n). You're okay, and so are we, that's all that matters."

He pulled away and looked at you, "We're all okay."

You just looked at him nodded.

He smiled a little and kissed your forehead, so you smiled a little back at him.

He grabbed your hand, "Let's go."

The three of you walked out of the locker room and made your way back to your house. You told them you were fine once you got home, but Scott and Isaac refused to leave.

Now, you were laying in bed, snuggled against Scott, while Isaac was out cold on an air mattress right next to your bed.

Scott whispered to you, "Are you sure you're okay?"

You knew there was no point in lying, "No."

"Then why did you say you were?"

"Because I don't want you guys to think I'm weak," you paused, "but I guess I am. I mean, the twins would've killed me if you guys didn't show up."

"We all need a little extra help sometimes, (y/n). I wouldn't be able to do half the things I do without you and the rest of the pack."


"Yeah, we need each other. It doesn't make us weak, it makes us stronger."

You nodded against his chest and smiled a little, "You're right. Thanks Scott, and thank you for saving me today."

He smiled too, "You're welcome, I couldn't have done it without Isaac," he glared at the sleeping boy sprawled out on the air mattress, "but I could've stayed the night without him."

You laughed quietly and snuggled closer to him, "As long as we're together I don't mind."

He held onto you tighter, "That's all that matters."

"I love you, Scott."

"I love you too, (y/n)."

You laid there for a little while longer, just enjoying each other's company, until you both drifted off to sleep.


Yeah so with the semester in full swing it's going to be harder for me to update as frequently as I have. I apologize, but you'll just need to expect slow updates for a little while.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this one, I kinda do.

Thanks for reading!

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