Look at Me Now - Theo

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I'm going to let you guys know now this one is far from cutesy, but please still enjoy!

"Let her go Theo!"

"I don't know Stiles, the best way to take down the alpha is by taking away what he loves most."

You were standing outside the animal clinic with Theo's claws pressed firmly against your stomach. He had wanted to take Scott down for a long time now, it was his plan from the start. Since he failed to kill Scott, he now targeted you, Scott's younger sister.

You began to plead, "Theo, Theo listen to me. I'll do anything you want, okay?"

"(Y/n), if you want to stay alive I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut."

You obeyed and stopped talking, but Stiles yelled again, "If you want to take someone close to Scott, take me! Leave her alone!"

"Sorry Stiles, she's the one I need."

You all turned your heads when you heard Scott's bike. He pulled into the parking lot, ripped his helmet off, and ran over next to Stiles.

His eyes glowed red and he growled, "Let her go."

"You know Scott, I just told Stiles that since I couldn't take you down directly, the next best way to do that is to take away what you love most."

"If you do anything to her, I'll kill you myself."

"No you won't Scott, you're too good for that," he looked at you and back at Scott and Stiles, "but I'm not."

With that he plunged his claws into your stomach and let you fall to the ground as you yelled out in immense pain. Scott and Stiles ran over to you as Theo walked away.

Scott pulled you into his lap, "Shh shh, (y/n), you're okay. You're alright."

You looked up at him and Stiles as you smiled weakly with tears in your eyes, "I love you, Scott, I love you so much. And Stiles, I love you too, like another brother."

Scott had tears in his eyes, "You're not dying, you're not dying tonight."

You ignored him, you had a gaping wound in your stomach and were in an intense amount of pain, you knew you were going to die so you continued, "Tell mom," you gasped for air, "tell mom I love her, and," you gasped again, "that I couldn't have asked for better."

Stiles wiped away his tears and spoke, "Scott, there's no way an ambulance will make it in time."

Scott looked at him knowingly. He breathed in and out heavily and looked back down at your quickly worsening form, "Stiles, help me sit her up."

Stiles helped Scott sit you up, and he rested you against him so you stayed that way. You were clutching your wound and your breathing became labored.

You spoke weakly, "Scott I—"

He looked at you with his red eyes and cut you off, "This is going to hurt."

Stiles grabbed your hand and squeezed it as Scott bit into your shoulder with his fangs. You would've yelled in pain, but you were too weak, so you just winced and groaned.

You stayed there in Stiles' lap while Scott watched you intently, and slowly but surely, you began to regain your strength as your wound and bite mark healed.

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