Movie Night - Stiles

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It was very rare that the pack had a relaxing day, but today was finally one of those days. You all agreed to have a calm day of just relaxing at home, and everyone would come over to your house later that day for a movie night. It was perfect.

You spent the whole day in bed cuddling with Stiles. You all agreed to stay at home during the day, except Stiles, he insisted on spending the day with you, which you didn't mind at all. The whole day was filled with cuddles, naps, watching TV, and endless conversations.

You were still in bed cuddled against him, and you decided to check the time. You glanced at the alarm clock on your night table, it was already 4:30, so the rest of the pack would be over in about an hour.

You decided it was best to get up and start preparing for the night ahead. You looked over at Stiles and he was watching TV, "Stiles?"

He looked at you and smiled, "Yeah?"

You smiled back at him, "I know you're going to hate this, but we need to get up. Everyone's going to be here in about a hour."

He held onto you tighter and whined, "Can't we stay in bed just a little longer please?"

You rolled your eyes playfully and giggled, "Five more minutes Stilinski."

He smiled wider, "Good enough for me."

You laid in bed for five more minutes and no longer. You wanted everything to be perfect tonight, so you wanted to have enough time to prepare.

Once the five minutes were up, you and Stiles got out of bed and began to prepare. You took out the movies you knew everyone liked, laid out a bunch of pillows and blankets on the couch and floor, put snacks and drinks on the table, and finally you ordered pizza which would arrive right after everyone else.

As soon as you finished setting up, there was a knock at the door. You looked at Stiles with a big smile on your face, "They're here!"

You ran over to the door and opened it, revealing everyone with smiles on their faces. You smiled even wider, "Come in guys! Tonight is going to be great!"

Everyone walked inside and the fun began. You played games, chatted, and just hung out. It had been months since the last time you all just had fun together, so tonight was amazing.

The night ended with you all sitting in the living room, watching movies. Everyone was falling asleep as it got later, so you and Stiles ended up being the last two awake.

You were cuddled up against him and he had his arms wrapped around you. You were slowly drifting off to sleep now, so you closed your eyes. Just before you completely fell asleep you heard Stiles, "You made tonight perfect, just like you wanted. I love you, (y/n)."

You mumbled, "I love you too, Stiles.", and then you happily fell asleep.

I'm gonna level with you here, I know this really sucked. Sadly with school starting again my updating time is going to be limited, meaning my imagines may suck a bit more. I'm going try my hardest, I promise. And I promise I'm working on all the requests I have, I will get them done. But for now, thank for reading! <3

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