Below the Surface - Derek

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Everyone thought you were crazy when you first started dating Derek. They didn't know what you saw in him. To them, he was this scary, heartless, brooding man with a tragic background. They didn't bother to look deeper than his surface because they thought they knew everything about him.

To you, Derek was this sweet, loving, selfless man who just needed to feel loved again. You looked deeper than his surface and actually got to know him. You proved everyone wrong, which was your own little personal victory.

Now, you were at the loft, just laying on the couch while Derek was at the table. He was heavily analyzing a few things and trying to figure supernatural stuff out.

You loved everything about Derek, but you did hate how he never let himself rest. You also hated how he put all the blame on himself whenever anything happened. You wanted nothing more than for him to relax, even for just one day.

You were staring at the ceiling, growing increasingly bored and wanting to actually spend time with Derek. You flipped onto your stomach and just looked at him as he intently looked over his things and was deep in thought.

You sighed, "Derek."

He looked up from the table, "Hm?"

"Don't you think you've done enough detective work for the day?"

"I just need to figure this out."

"Can you at least take a break? Maybe if you take your mind off of it for a little bit it'll be easier to figure out later."

"I guess I could, but I should really work this all out now."

"It's not like you can carry any plans out now anyways, if anything you'll do something tomorrow. Can you please take a break?"

"(Y/n) you know I can't."

You rolled your eyes and got up from the couch. You walked over to him and stood behind him with your hands on his shoulders.

"What I do know is that you work too hard."

He shook his head, "It's not that, I just can't let anything else go wrong."

You smiled a little as you hugged him tightly from behind and rested your head against his back, "I love your selflessness so much, but I really want you to take care of yourself. How can you help anyone else if you can't help yourself?"

He smiled a little.

You continued, "But if you still can't do it for yourself, can you at least do it for me?"

He unlatched your arms from him and turned to face you, almost immediately enveloping you in another hug.

You held onto each other tightly and just stayed like that for a little while in comfortable silence.

Derek broke the silence, "I guess I could take a break, but only for you."

You pulled away from the hug and looked at him, "For me and you. It's okay to take care of yourself for once."

He smiled a little, "Okay fine, I'll take a break because I need it. But, also because I want to spend time with you."

You smiled back, "That, I'm okay with."

He pulled you closer to him, so close you were pressed flush against him with your faces only inches apart. Although you've been together for quite some time, your face still turned red and your heart still raced whenever he did this. Which, of course, made him do it on purpose all the time.

He smiled a little more once he noticed this before pressing a long kiss to your lips.

Once you both pulled away from the kiss, you rested your foreheads against each other and just stood there for a little while.

You eventually moved and looked at him, "You're going to spend the rest of the night with me, right?"

"Of course I am."

"Good, because like I said, you deserve a break," you smiled a little, "but come on, I've been waiting all night."

He just smiled and shook his head.

You led him to the bed and had him lay down. You got into the bed after him and laid directly on top of him to ensure he wasn't going anywhere. You laid your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around him as best as you could.

"Now you can't go anywhere."

He laughed a little as he wrapped his arms around you and held onto you, "I didn't plan on it."

He kissed the top of your head, "There's nothing else I'd rather be doing right now."

You sighed contently, "I love you so much Derek."

"I love you too (y/n), so much more than you'll ever know."

You were at your happiest right now, and so was Derek. You always knew there was so much more to him than what everyone else saw.


Aww I wrote straight up Derek fluff and I actually love it because I love him so much. Fun fact, when I watched the show for the first time I literally fell in love with him as soon as his character was introduced.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading! <3

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