Jail Break - Parrish

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You were at the Sheriff's Station, in the holding cell. You were just sitting there on the bench, staring at the ground and shivering. You were still in shock from everything that had happened.

A couple of hours earlier, you were inspecting your tire after it popped while you were driving. You noticed the tire had popped because it was shot, so you quickly realized that hunters had caused it. Before you could get back in your car, you were ambushed by them. You were able to fight them off pretty easily, so you thought you were safe, especially when a deputy pulled up to the scene. But, the deputy worked with the hunters, so she aimed her gun at you and shot you right in the leg. You fell over, which gave her the opportunity to handcuff you. She then grabbed you, threw you in the back of her car, took you to the station, and locked you in the holding cell.

As you were sitting there, you recognized the voice of the deputy who brought you to the station. She was talking to another deputy in the lobby, so you used your heightened hearing to listen.

"Don't worry about her, someone is coming to pick her up."


"She said a close family-friend named Tamora."

Your eyes grew wide as you thought to yourself, "She's handing me over to Monroe? Oh my god she's trying to kill me."

You could hear the suspicion in the other deputy's voice, "Okay, but why is she here in the first place?"

"She was fighting a few people in a parking lot at the edge of town. She probably thought she'd get away with it all the way out there."

"So then where are the others?"

"They told me how she started the whole thing and attacked them for no reason. They were begging me to take her in, so I did for their safety."

"Okay, well I'm —,"

She cut off the other deputy, "Don't even bother trying to reason with her, she's still pretty hostile."


You heard the deputy that brought you in walk away, in the opposite direction of the holding cells. So, when she wasn't looking, the other deputy walked into the room your cell was in.


You were a little relieved, "Parrish! Thank god it's you!"

"Why are you really here? The story I heard wasn't very convincing."

"Yeah that's because everything she says wasn't true! I was just driving when all of a sudden my tire popped. I got out to look and saw that it popped because someone shot it. Then, I was attacked by hunters. I was able to fight them off pretty easily, but then a deputy pulls up and shoots me in the leg instead of helping. Then next thing I know I'm handcuffed, put in the back of the car, taken here and then locked up. But now I'm in more danger, Monroe is coming here," you became more panicked, "she's going to take me back to the hunter's warehouse. I'm going to be trapped there and who knows what they're going to do to me. Parrish please you need to help me, they're going to kill me!"

"Hey, (y/n), look at me. You're going to be alright, I'm not going to let them hurt you. I'm going to get you out of here, but in order for this to work you need to relax and stay calm. Okay?"

You took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to get you out of there, and then we need to get you out of the building. So," he paused as he was trying to think of something.

You had an idea, "What if I make sure no one is looking, and then go to the back of the building. There's a door back there, right?"

"Yeah, that's perfect! Make a left out of here, walk to the end of the hallway and then make another left. That door leads you to the side lot where all the patrol cars are. You'll be pretty well-hidden over there, so you can wait for a few minutes until I get out there too. Then I'll take you home."

"Okay perfect, thank you."

He smiled a little as he was unlocking the cell, "Don't thank me yet."

You smiled back, but your smile quickly faded as you heard talking in the lobby with your heightened hearing, "I'm here to pick up (y/n) (y/l/n). I was told she got into some trouble."

"What? What's wrong?"

"She's here. Monroe's here."

He slid the cell door open gently to make as little noise as possible, "Okay, stay calm (y/n), you're going to be alright. I'm going to go out there and I'll distract them if I need to, you need to get outside. Hide near the cars, I'll be out as soon as I can."


He walked out of the room and went up to Monroe and the other deputy. Once you heard them talking, you crept near the door and looked around. When they were distracted, you snuck out of the room and made it to the back door. You looked out of the window to make sure no other hunters were around the building.

Once you knew it was safe, you carefully opened the door, got outside, and carefully closed it to minimize your noise. You then ran over to one of the bigger patrol cars and hid behind it, waiting for Parrish.

Eventually, you heard footsteps in the parking lot so you peered around the edge of the car. You saw that it was Parrish looking for you, so you ran towards him. He saw you and got in one of the patrol cars, so you immediately got in the passenger seat once you made it over to him.

The second you got in the car and shut the door, Parrish started driving. You buckled your seat belt, looked back at the station, looked forward again, and sighed a massive sigh of relief.

"I can't even begin to express how thankful I am. I really owe you one. Anytime you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask me."

"You don't owe me anything, I'm always happy to help you. Anytime you need me."

You smiled, "Well I really appreciate it. Thank you Parrish."

"Well actually, maybe there is something you could do."

"Yeah anything."

"Only if you want, but, you could call me Jordan."

You smiled more, "Definitely."

He smiled as he was driving.

You just sat there with a smile on your face as you were lost in thought. You had known Jordan for quite some time now, ever since he first got involved with your pack when the dead pool was going around. You liked him from the start, and you both always got along. You were glad that your relationship was finally advancing, even though it was caused by some of the worst circumstances. But hey, when the suffering ends, something beautiful begins.


This one is not my best but I liked the concept I came up with, so I kind of just ran with it and did what I could. I hoped you guys liked it though.

Thanks for reading! <3

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