Living Color - Stiles

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A Stiles imagine was requested by @emilystydiastilinski
Hope you like it! <3

My life was lived in black and white. Sadness and pain defined every one of my days. I was hopeless, I was miserable, until I met him.

When I saw him for the first time, my heart fluttered and became a rosy pink. My sky's went from cloudy and dark gray to sunny and bright blue. My eyes went from a lifeless black to a beautiful (e/c). My whole life, my whole personality, went from cold and heartless to warm and loving. All because of him.

I remember that day.

I walked through the hallways of school, they were bustling with people and yet I felt alone. I wanted nothing more than that last bell to ring so I could leave this place and go home.

I continued to maneuver through the crowd, looking down at my books the whole time. I craved companionship with someone, romantic or not I don't care, but I still avoid all eye contact.

I was stopped abruptly by bumping into someone. They ran into me and I fell to the ground. I grunted and went to pick up my books, not bothering to look at the other person. I'm never noticed anyway, they probably ignored me and ran off.

I was wrong. As I was about to get my books a boy knelt down and looked at me, "I'm so sorry! Are you ok?", I was shocked, he was really concerned.

I looked at him and the whole world stopped. He was beautiful. He had wonderful dark brown hair that looked soft to the touch. His perfectly structured face was dotted with moles here and there. His brown eyes were filled with love. He was so animated and full of life. He was perfect.

I managed to speak, "Um, yeah yeah I'm ok."

He helped me gather my books and then stood up. He put his hand out for me to take, so I did. He pulled me to my feet and smiled a beautiful smile.

"I'm glad you're ok. I was looking for my friend Scott and got a little carried away in my search. Sorry again."

I smiled a little, I almost forgot what that was like, "It's ok. And thank you for being concerned."

"Of course! Oh, I'm Stiles by the way."

What an interesting name. I smiled a little more, "I'm (y/n)."

"I've seen you around a lot (y/n), you're like a mystery girl."

I let out a half-hearted chuckle, if only he knew how I felt, "Yeah I guess."

"I want you to come with me after school to meet up with my friends."

I was shocked and looked at him with a puzzled expression, "Me? You want me to come with you? Really?!"

He smiled at my growing excitement, "Yes really! You've got this thing about you, I don't really know what it is, but you'll make an awesome addition to our group!"

"Oh my gosh ok! Yeah! I'll come with you!"

"Good! Meet me outside the boys locker room at the end of the day."

"Ok! I'll see you then Stiles!"

"See you then (y/n)!"

What a day that was.

I turned my head to my side and saw my boyfriend sleeping next to me, clutching his pillow. I smiled, he looked adorable.

That day changed my life. He changed my life. We became great friends that day, and I made many more that day through him. We later began dating. This January of our Senior year marks one year.

I laid back down in my boyfriend's bed. I snuggled up to his chest and held onto him. He felt me against him and let go of his pillow so he could hold me. We made ourselves a little more comfortable and sighed contently.

He mumbled in a sleepy voice, "I love you (y/n)."

I smiled and whispered, "I love you too Stiles."

He brought color into my life. He brought purpose into my life. All I needed was him.

I hope you all liked it, I really like how it turned out! Thanks for reading!

Thank you for requesting @emilystydiastilinski

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