Love Bite - Aiden

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You woke up cuddled against your boyfriend with his arms wrapped around you. You untangled yourself from his grip and sat in bed. You looked over to the peaceful boy sleeping next you and smiled.

You checked the time and saw it was 6:30, you and Aiden had to be at school by 8:00 so you knew it'd be best to get up now. You shook him slightly and spoke softly, "Aiden come on get up."

He groaned and then sat up. You smiled at him and then hugged his torso, "Good morning my love."

He couldn't help but smile, "Good morning (y/n)."

You both got out of bed. Aiden grabbed his bag and went to go get ready. You were at your closet trying to find something to wear when Aiden came behind you and chuckled, "You may want to wear something that covers your neck today."

"What why?"

"Look.", he pointed at the mirror and you went over to look. You saw a love bite on your neck and looked over to Aiden who was smiling like an idiot.

"This is your fault doofus.", you laughed.

He laughed too, "I know, but it shows other guys that you're mine. Only mine.", he hugged you from behind and rested his head on your shoulder.

You stayed like that for awhile before separating and continuing and to get ready. You picked a shirt that covered the majority of the love bite, and if anyone would question it you'd just say you tripped and fell last night and then saw it the next morning.

Aiden may have left a love bite on you that would no doubt get questioned, but you didn't care because it showed that he loves you. It is called a love bite after all.

I miss Aiden so much. No one seems to stay dead in Beacon Hills anyway so why can't he come back to life along with Erica, Boyd and Allison? Seems like a good idea to me.

Thanks for reading guys!💕

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