Outside the Window - Isaac

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You were laying on your bed, catching up on your favorite show and avoiding your homework like many people do on Friday nights. You were relaxing, until you heard a strange noise outside your window. It sounded like someone was walking on the roof right next to it.

You stood up slowly, took out your claws, and slowly made your way to the window. You quietly opened it and grabbed towards where the sound was coming from. You felt someone was there, so you yanked them inside, restricted their hands, and put your claws to their throat.

"It's me! (Y/n) it's me!"

You quickly realized you had restrained Isaac, so you let him go. He stood there breathing a little heavily as you closed your window.

You turned to look at him and crossed your arms over your chest, "So why were you creeping outside my window?"

"I was not creeping outside your window."

You raised an eyebrow.

"I was standing watch."


"Because with the alpha pack in Beacon Hills," he paused, "I wanted to make sure you were safe."

You smiled, "Isaac that's really sweet and all, but you could've just told me you wanted to come over."

"I thought you'd say no."

"You're my freaking boyfriend, why would I say no?"

He laughed a little, "Because you'd say you don't need anyone to protect you."

"That is true," you walked over and sat down on your bed. Isaac sat down next to you and you looked at him. You finished your previous sentence, "but I still need you here."

He smiled, "Really?"

You smiled back, "Of course I do."

His smile changed to a smirk, "Because you love me?"

You rolled your eyes playfully, "Whatever you say, Lahey."

He poked your side as he spoke, "You know you do."

You pushed his hand away and smiled playfully, "Like I said, whatever you say."

He poked your side again, "(Y/n), you need to say it."

You tried to push his hand away again, but this time you couldn't. He kept poking your side, making you squirm and start to laugh a little.

You spoke in between laughs, "Isaac, stop."

He spoke with a sing-song tone as he poked your side even more, "You need to say it."

You tried to get away, but he grabbed you and held you close to him. Now he was full on tickling your sides, so you were squirming and laughing like crazy.

"Isaac! Stop!"

He spoke with a sing-song tone again, "Not until you say it."

"Okay! I love you! I love you!"

He stopped and looked at you with a smile on his face, "You see? It wasn't that hard."

"Yeah yeah."

You were catching your breath from laughing so hard, when all of a sudden Isaac looked at you with a slightly more serious expression, "You do actually love me, right?"

You looked at him and noticed he almost looked worried, like he was afraid you didn't actually mean it when you said it before since you guys were messing around.

You took his hands into yours and smiled, "I love you, Isaac. I really do, and I never want you to think that I don't."

He smiled back, "I love you too, (y/n). I love you so much."

You leaned in and gave him a sweet kiss full of love. You both stayed there for a while, until you needed to separate for air.

After just enjoying each other's company for awhile after the kiss, you both laid down on your bed and cuddled as you watched tv together. You were laying on your back and Isaac was laying right next to you. He had his arms around your waist and was resting his head on your chest, all while you were playing with his hair.

After watching tv for a bit, he spoke, "It's getting late. Do you think I should get—"

You cut him off, "No. I want you stay the night."

He laughed a little, "I'm happy with that."

You smiled, "And you know what?"


"I'm actually happy you were outside my window."

"So you're saying I should do that more often?"

You laughed, "Come over? Yeah. Use the window? No."

He laughed too, "So use the front door next time?"


"Got it."


This one was pretty cute, but kind of not well written, but I also kind of like it. Oh well, I hope you guys liked it.

Thanks for reading!

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