Find Your Anchor - Liam

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You were at Scott's house with Liam. The full moon was in a couple of days and Liam hadn't found a way to control his powers yet. If he couldn't control them on a regular day then the night of the full moon was going to be hell. So Scott was trying to help Liam but with little success.

Scott kept repeating the same thing over and over again, "Liam find an anchor. Something that keeps you human."

"I-I can't. I'm going to lose control."

You sat on Scott's bed watching as your boyfriend struggled so much. You weren't a werewolf but you were well aware of the supernatural world you lived in. You felt that you could help but you didn't want to interrupt the alpha helping his beta.

After a few minutes more of no success Liam was ready to give up, "Forget it Scott you'll have to chain me to a post again."

He sighed and sat on the floor in defeat. You looked at Scott, "Can I try helping him? Just the two of us? I have an idea."

"(Y/n) it's too dangerous. If he loses control you won't be able to protect yourself."

Liam agreed with Scott, "I don't want to hurt you (y/n) I'll never be able to forgive myself if I do."


Scott was like your older brother. Your moms have been best friends since high school so the two of you basically grew up together. He was two years older than you and because of this he was super protective, especially when it came to the supernatural.

He looked at you and sighed, "If he gets anywhere close to losing control scream for me. I'll be right outside the door. Ok?"

"Ok Scott, but you don't have to worry. It'll be fine."

He left the room and closed the door. You sat down on the floor across from your boyfriend and looked at him. He looked so disappointed with himself.

You spoke, "Liam, I'm going to help you. You're going to be able to control your powers."

"(Y/n) I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't hurt me."

"How do you know?"

"Because I trust you.", you paused before continuing, "Now listen, start going into your wolf form."

He closed his eyes and when he opened them they were gold. His fangs and claws came out too, he started breathing heavier and you knew you had to act fast.

"Liam. Liam listen to my voice. Focus on your surroundings, be aware that you're still here don't let the animal take over."

You could see him struggling to stay aware of himself, but he was doing it he wasn't going on an angry rampage.

"Ok, now find your anchor to stay human and be in complete control."

"I-I don't have one."

"Yes you do you have to find it."

"H-how? I-I'm running o-out of t-time."

"Find whatever means the most to you and makes you feel more alive and more human than anything else."

Liam sat there struggling a little but once he finally found his anchor he was able to control everything and go back to being human. He was overjoyed and looked at you with the biggest smile.

He hugged you tightly and kissed you multiple times. You were laughing a bit and he spoke still very happy, "(Y/n) I can't believe it! You helped me control my powers that's amazing! How'd you know that would work?"

"I've been around quite a few werewolves. I've picked up how new wolves need to be spoken too and how they'll find control."

"Thank you (y/n). And you want to know something else?", he smiled.

You smiled back, "What?"

He leaned in and kissed you before speaking, "You're my anchor."

You were so happy for him right now and now even more happy that you were the one who made him human. Liam was even happier than you and couldn't contain his excitement, "Let's get Scott I wanna tell him!"

You laughed at your boyfriend and followed him to the door so he could tell his alpha.

I like how cute this one came out!

Thanks for reading!💕

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