Coach's Niece (Pt. 2) - Scott

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Here's a part two to my last Scott imagine since a lot of you guys really liked it!

You had lived in Beacon Hills for a little over a month now, and you were happy with how everything turned out. You liked your new school, you had an amazing group of friends, and you got to see your favorite uncle everyday.

Everything was great, but it would've been just a little better if you and Scott were a thing. You liked him the second you met him, you felt an instant connection, and you know he did too.

Lydia told you almost everyday to just go for it, but you were skeptical. You wanted to act on it, but you were pretty nervous about how your uncle would react. He didn't really go easy on him now, what would he do if you and Scott were dating? It's kind of funny, you were worried about his reaction more than your parents'.

Now, you were hanging out with Stiles at his house. He lived only a few houses away from yours, so you were with him almost all the time. You loved spending time with him, mainly because it seemed like he enjoyed gossiping and "girl talk" more than the girls did.

You were sitting on his bed while he seemed to be deeply engulfed in his crime board. You had been introduced to the supernatural shortly after joining the friend group, so it didn't phase you.

Although you thought Stiles was focused on the crime board, he wasn't, "(Y/n)," he walked over and sat down next to you, "you know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

You looked at him confused, "I appreciate that, a lot, but what makes you say that?"

"I can tell something's been bothering you for like, the past week. Is everything okay?"

You sighed, "Yes and no. When I moved here, I wasn't expecting to have many friends, or enjoy going to a new school, but then I met you guys and I knew everything would be great. But," you paused and looked at Stiles, "Stiles you need to promise me that you won't tell Scott what I'm about to tell you, got it?"

"What that you like him?"

Your cheeks turned red and you looked at him wide-eyed, "You knew?!"

He laughed a little, "Come on (y/n), I love you and I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you suck at hiding it."

You rolled your eyes playfully, "Whatever, do you think Scott knows?"

Stiles scoffed, "Please, he is way too oblivious. But," he spoke in a more sincere tone, "he is head over heels for you. Tell him how you feel."

You couldn't help but smile, but another thought crept back into your head, making your smile fade a little, "Wait, if I do tell Scott and we wind up dating or something, what if my uncle finds out? It'll be a nightmare."

He just shrugged, "Just deal with him when he finds out then, don't worry about it yet."

You smiled again, "Okay, I can do this. Thank you, Stiles."

He smiled back, "Anytime. Now," he patted your shoulder, "go get em, tiger!"

You laughed, "Tomorrow!"

"That works!"

Later that night, you were laying in bed trying to figure out what you were going to say to Scott. You didn't want it to be awkward, you wanted everything to go perfect, but it was hard to think because you were pretty nervous.

You kept telling yourself not to be nervous, Stiles told you Scott likes you too, but what if for some reason he rejected you? What if you mess it up and he changes his mind? You tried to push those thoughts out of your head and go to sleep. You didn't want to be tired for this either.

The next day, when you got to school, you went to Scott and Stiles' lockers like you did every morning. You saw them and smiled, "Hi guys!"

Scott smiled back, "Hi (y/n)."

Stiles smiled too, "Hey, sorry but I need to go tell Malia something right now I'll be back!"

He ran off leaving you and Scott alone. You knew he did it on purpose, so you decided to take the opportunity, "Scott? Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, you can tell me anything."

You breathed out, "You're one of my best friends, Scott, but I like you more than that. I like you a lot more than that, I have ever since I first met you. So, I wanted to know how you felt."

Scott was looking at you, shocked, "Really? You like me?"

You smiled a little, "Yeah."

His shocked expression turned into a big smile, "I really like you too, (y/n). When you walked over to me and Stiles on your first day, and you started talking to us, I liked you right away."

You smiled wider and grabbed his hands as he stepped closer to you. You were just looking at each other with such admiration, until he closed the gap and kissed you sweetly. You stayed there for a little while, savoring the warm and electrifying feeling you both got from it.

You both pulled away and just looked at each other again. You were going to say something, when all of a sudden someone had tightly and forcefully grabbed Scott's shoulder, pulling him away from you in the process.

You looked over, expecting Stiles, but, with just your luck, it was your uncle. He looked at Scott angrily, "McCall, what the hell did I say about getting involved with my niece?"

Scott spoke nervously, "That I could hang out with her?"

"Right, not suck face with her in the middle of the hallway!"

You looked at him "Oh my god, ew. Really Uncle Bobby?"

"What? That's exactly what you two were doing!"

You rolled your eyes, "I'm not going to sit here and argue. I really like Scott," you gave him a sarcastic smile, "and I would appreciate if you didn't try to keep him away from me."

Your uncle looked back and forth between the two of you with a narrow-eyed look. He finally let go of Scott, and looked directly at him, "If you do anything stupid and upset her I will make your life a living hell. Do you understand me?"

You rolled your eyes again, he said something very similar the last time, on your first day at the school.

Scott still looked nervous, "Yes coach."

He patted Scott's shoulder and smiled a little, "Good."

He walked away and you held Scott's hand again, "I am so sorry about him."

Scott smiled at you, "It's okay. For you, it's worth it."

You smiled back and kissed him quickly. You couldn't wait to tell the pack about the two of you, and you were happy that you could consider your uncle just a minor issue you can work on.


I hope you guys liked the part two, I think it's alright. It's not my best but not my worst.

Thanks for reading!

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