Car Trouble - Stiles

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It was around 10 pm and you were on your way home from a party your friend dragged you to. You took separate cars because you just knew she was going to stay really late and that just wasn't your thing.

Drunk guys hitting on you, having random drinks shoved into your hand, and dancing with sweaty people you don't know just was not what you were in to. So it was nice to be able to leave a little earlier than expected.

As you were driving you heard your car make a few strange noises and then the engine started giving out. You pulled over to the side of the road and your car shut off.

"Again with this damn piece of crap car!", you punched the steering wheel and got out. You opened the hood and looked inside at all the gadgets, you had no clue what you were doing.

You pulled out your phone to call a towing company but when you looked you had no service.

"Great. I'm in the middle of nowhere with a broken car and no service!", you yelled out into the empty road.

As you were leaning against your car desperately trying to get some service you heard a car pull up next to you and stop. You looked up to see that familiar powder blue jeep that belonged to Stiles. A small smile crept on your face, you were so relieved to see him.

"Now what's a pretty girl like you doing out here all by herself?"

What he said made your heart race, you may have had crush on him for quite awhile now. He was one of your best friends too so that just made it more torturous.

"Well my car broke down and I have no clue how to fix it. So I'm stranded here with no service and no way to get help."

He smirked before answering, "Then I guess I'm your miracle!"

"I guess you are Stilinski!", you laughed a little.

"Well what are you waiting for and get your cute butt in the car!", he smiled. You blushed and followed his orders.

You would just leave your car there overnight and have a tow truck pick it up tomorrow. So as of now you were in the car with your crush, Stiles Stilinski, thank god you left that party early!

Stiles broke the silence, "Hey (y/n), um, I um wanted to know if maybe you wanted to maybe um go on a um date with me sometime?"

He was so nervous to ask you it was adorable. You immediately knew your response, "I would love to Stilinski!"

The rest of the car ride was filled with happy chatter. He took you home, you said goodbye and went inside. You fell asleep almost instantly with the perfect, goofy boy you liked on your mind.

This isn't one of my best but I loved the idea so I had to write about it! I hope you liked it though!

Keep reading my lovelies!💕

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