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"what the heck are you doing here Jeno?" questioned both of the guys, laying on the huge bed while watching some series, the entrance of the newcomer made James shut the laptop.

"i missed you guys" told the older sitting next to Jisung, he put the 'house' key's next to the biscuit platter he then served himself some and drank some milkshake. The two boys were just staring at the boy dumbfounded they didn't get what was happening especially from where he brought the keys.

"You guys are looking at me as if i'm some kind of ghost or i don't know, remember Jisung you gave me your keys since we are room partners, my stuff are still in your room bro" he pointed at a blue backpack who was put on the ground.

then they let out a long "Aaaaaaahh" when they realized what was going on, then they returned to their previous activity and opened the laptop back.

"Have you guys thought of whom you'll bring to the flight" asked the older laying beside James sipping on his straw's milkshake just  after doing so he received a kick on his torso by the other's elbow and it was pretty harsh that Jisung felt bad for the later. He started whining because of the pain thing that pissed James of so he decided to shut him up by closing his mouth using his hands almost killing him, and it was obviously Jisung who helped the oldest breath again.

"Jisung i owe you my life" claimed Jeno finally breathing again, he sat down correctly looking at his soon to be killer with a betrayed look. "Y'all are going to ignore my question or-?" 

The two boys in question tried to recall what was the question by looking into each other's eyes not seeming to summon the previous question "what was the question again" asked the youngest shamelessly eyeing the not so surprised guy, he knew that they weren't paying attention to his saying.

"I said if you were going to bring someone with y'all to our flight" 

"Oh shoot!!" they both said, putting their right hand over their mouth actually shocked about the fact that they could forget about something this important;

"Y'all guys are aware that we only have four days left right?" 

"i totally forgot about the competition what the heck!" cursed Jisung receiving a  kick to his upper body with the other's elbow but it wasn't that painful compared to the one given to Jeno;

"Do not curse again or i'll kill you with my bare hands" threatened the american his best friend. he turned to face the other guy who was playing with a straw. "What are you? seven?" argued the later eyeing the innocent looking boy who stopped his act to give the other a'sweet smile' that creeped the hell out of the receiver 

"no i'm actually six i'll be seven next week" replied Jeno unabashedly with a little smile on his face, he received a 'what the actual heck' face by James and a dying cat laugh by Jisung who was enjoying the Show.

"I didn't agree on this" stated James who stood up and went to bring one of the chairs to sit on since he completely forgot about the film.

"so the competition" that got the attention of the two boys that were leaning on the wall, on the

cozy bed, " we have the right to bring one or two people with us?" asked James since he neve payed attention to any of their meetings, the two other boys weren't surprised by his question. Well Jisung may have forgotten about it that's because of his short memory but he's most of the time really attentive and serious during any kind of course.

"only one" replied the youngest "i'm still not sure who i'm going to bring tho" he regretted a few minutes later his saying when he the stares that he was receiving from his friend, that kind of 'are you sure' look that was really pissing him off especially in this kind of situation when they weren't alone anymore.

But he forgot that they weren't with a stranger or a normal human being but they were with the one and only Jeno, the later was too busy playing with the sheets that he forgot about their conversation finding them kind of funny to play with. 

That however wasn't the reason of forgiving James to Jisung, he wanted to take his revenge and he knew very well how to, he just sent him a killing glare and lifted his head to meet up with Jeno's face and ask him:

"Who are you bringing with you nojam" 

"Are you stupid or you're just acting like it" told the oldest while looking at the youngest right in the eye, he had never treated Jisung that way so the youngest was pretty speechless when he heard that not really knowing how to react he just backed his head a bit and waited to the older to:

 "it's been three months now that i'm talking about the same person, over and over everyday and every second and now you come in front of my freaking face and have the audacity to ask me who is going to be my flight partner" he shouted using some weird ass hand gestures and pointing each thing with his hands while emphasizing each syllable of every word of his sentence.

"Wait you have a crush?" asked James and that was the thing that made Jeno go bright red but not only from anger but also from shyness, so he just slammed his hand on the couch and muttered some curse word now wasn't the time for James to scold him for saying bad words.

"Are we friends or y'all are just playing?" 

"oh it's that jaemin guy right?" jumped Jisung out of the bed as if he made out something extraordinary and that made James think about their previous call, he was really ignorant most of the time so he always needs to do some active recall.

"yeah he's the one" he said "i mean he's the guy i was talking about....well he's also the one, he's so cute and he looks like a small fluff ball. You really should meet him, he's so freaking adorable"

"ugh love" spoke the american boy staring at the lover boy attitude, he didn't stop talking though. He must be really hot and heavy about that boy.

Jisung made sure to remember that line said by his best friend so that he will bring it on the day of his wedding or just the time when he'll find the love of his life.

"what about you Jisung who will you bring with you?" confused about the tall boy's neutral reaction to his question, Jeno decided to turn his head to the direction of James figure only to find him smiling like a kid who just did something wrong and was very proud about.

"For my case i'll just bring my cousin with me since i didn't hang out with him for so long now" 

Jisung mentally cursed in his mind, 'i'm not brave enough' he thought glaring at the older boy who was playing with the latter's chair as if he never had one. 'ugh this bitch'

"oh! i know him, jaemin talks about him a lot and i even talked to him one time. He's really nice and caring you're lucky to have a cousin like mine are so demoniac" you can clearly tell that the brunette wasn't so happy with what the other just, they weren't even friends and it's already hard for the poor boy, 'why is love so painful'. When Jisung was getting upset at what their friend just said James was more than enjoying it and was probably going to take more advantage of it.

"oh yeah you're right he's the best actually!" certified the boy examining the youngest facial expressions before asking him: "Jisung aren't you planning on answering the question" 

"i'll just go alone"

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