Chapter 11: coincidence

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'what the hell is taking them so long' asked James thinking that to himself, not really knowing how to judge if the plate is burnt or not.

He just decided to keep  on staring at the plate that was getting cooked, he stayed there standing in front of the oven, waiting for something ethereal to happen. 


well maybe it's the right time to get it out, he took the gloves that chenle has used before going up together with Jisung. He was really hoping that things will work out between the two boys, it has been more than three years that James has realized how much Jisung was guilty and would love to go back to what he loves the most, spending sometime with Chinese boy.

Finally getting the dish out of the oven, it was Jisung's favorite dish and it was a chicken quiche, there were also some fried chicken. The lunch was obviously made only for Jisung. He chuckled mentally finding this absolutely adorable but so bold, he didn't think that his cousin could be this domestic.

He can already imagine them getting married.

And when he started getting into the idea of marrying the two-he felt a little and dainty creature near his legs playing around it, sniffs could be heard and that was even cuter than babies and Jisung's cheeks. He took the dog and looked for his leach and decided to go out and take the dog with him for a little walk.

in his way to the park near the flat, he had all  the time to think about random things and also overthink. However this time, he just felt nostalgic -being together with his friends again not only his friends but also his everything, they were absolutely everything to each other and he was thankful that they finally got to talk normally without being weird or awkward but then he remembered the time when they used to party just the three of them and do sleepovers here and there, now that he began thinking about that, he recalled some of the memories that they had back then.

Jisung was eighteen and it was the same for James, while Chenle had only sixteen going on seventeen.


The exams were killing us and we couldn't think of a better stress reliever than this.

A sleepover.

Well we definitely weren't going to sleep, absolutely not. We were planning on spending the night watching some show or something just to pass our time, but then Chenle found it way too boring.

At one of the rooms of Jisung's Auntie, she was a woman who was in love with all the natural related things, and that was the first reason of why she decided to buy a house in the countryside of Korea, and there was the only good place that they could figure out and find just for them to relax and live life just how it should be done.

Doing nothing wasn't the thing that we'll make a difference, so I decided to take the phone of Chenle, since mine was charging being dead from the beginning of the day- well I was too concentrated and focused on cleaning the kitchen nicely that I forgot about my phone or the charger.

It was nearly midnight, no one was sleepy, and as soon as I took the phone and went to the contact section they already new what I was going to do, so we just laughed it off and I began typing a random number already knowing what kind of bullshit I was going to blurt out.

"Hello" the voice was really unclear, a Male voice. But what was funny was that the manner and the way of how it was being pronounced made them dying of laughter but silently, they had to play the game, the guy was sounding hella drunk and we could hear music from the other side of the line, that wasn't a disco or a club music, it was a wedding one not the slow one but the traditional.

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