Chapter 8: Home...

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A crowd of people started appearing around the boy, the people were gathered right next to the two boys, everybody was amazed by the boy's capacity and talent was showing off by hitting the cans with the ball without messing any.

Chenle's mouth dropped on the ground, seriously stunned about his ex best friend ability, everyone was shouting on each throw made by the young adult who was clearly impatient to receive his present once the game is finished.


"thirty one" 

"thirty three"

"forty five"

he couldn't believe it was happening, the people around him were screaming and congratulating him since the game was known for being impossible to finish. Even the owner of the stand couldn't fall for the idea of that numb looking teenager was able to get them all, he was sure pissed since the rule says that whoever got to get them all wins something really expensive.

The shouts were getting louder, so loud that it attracted everyone's attention on what was going on so obviously the crowd was getting bigger and bigger. Chenle was just as startled and stunned as before his eyes were kind of going to pop off from their place, he just kept staring at the finished goals while Jisung was just getting super shy because of all the attention he was receiving.

"Sir you have to come take your present" 

Jisung made his way immediately to where the old looking man was standing, he could notice the little grin on the man's face so Jisung decided to give him a little smirk instead of saying disrespectful to an older person. Everyone was getting eager of knowing what was the boy going to have as a reward for his accomplishment.

James was making his way to one of the attractions but remarked that the majority of the people that were going to ride it where joining a quite big gathering that was happening just in front of one of the stands. The shouts and dramatic reactions weren't impressive enough for him to go there and check what was happening, so he just went back to what he was doing enjoying his little moment alone. On his way he remarked a Japanese looking guy who was wearing a BTS merch the only thing that really interested the guy and got his attention was that t-shirt was an old merch that was trendy in their fandom during their debut.

"i think that i found my friend, let's get it" 

the old man handed the mic to the tall boy after asking for his name, he after that announced for the whole 'audience' that he was the first winner at this really complicated game. The crowd was having short fuse to know what was the present.

"I see that the public is going impatient haha" he laughed sounding more bitter than ever but that didn't stop the crowd from replying to his comment with a big fat yes "alright alright, this is the newest gadget to come here in Korea, this is certainly really expensive and i personally wish that i could let that to myself, but anyways" 

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